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ATAS aide les traders à gagner

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ATAS aide les traders à gagner

aux bourses mondiales des actions, des contrats à terme et des crypto-monnaies
d’analyse volumétrique pour votre avantage sur le marché
indicateurs techniques
combinez des instruments classiques et uniques dans un seul espace de travail
options de clusters (Footprint)
regardez à l’intérieur d’une barre et comprenez pourquoi le prix change
bourses de crypto
tradez gratuitement sur les marchés de crypto-monnaie les plus liquides

Pourquoi ATAS
ATAS est un puissant logiciel d’analyse des marchés financiers. Nos outils avancés aident les traders à se concentrer sur l’essentiel : l’analyse du volume, du flux d’ordres et de la liquidité dans le carnet d’ordres. Ces données révèlent l’équilibre ou le déséquilibre crucial entre acheteurs et vendeurs—les moteurs fondamentaux des mouvements de prix sur le marché.
Notre mission est de permettre aux traders de voir, de savoir et de gagner plus grâce à des analyses avancées. Nous créons des outils d’analyse volumétrique révolutionnaires qui rendent les mouvements de prix transparents et augmentent la rentabilité des transactions.
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et bien plus encore
et bien plus encore
Graphiques en clusters (Footprint)
Bourses et connexions
Market Replay
Journal et statistiques
Smart Tape
Smart DOM
Graphiques en clusters (Footprint)
Graphiques sans limites
Regardez le marché avec les yeux d’un professionnel. ATAS ouvre des possibilités illimitées pour créer et personnaliser des graphiques :
→ 400+ configurations de footprint dans le contexte des données Volume, Delta, Trades, Bid x Ask ;
→ 14 périodes (y compris uniques) pour afficher les mouvements de prix sans bruit de marché : Reversal, OrderFlow, Volume, Delta, Tick, Time, Renko, 5 types de Range, etc. ;
→ 30+ objets de dessin, y compris le profil de marché dynamique, le calcul du risque et du volume de la position ;
→ 240+ indicateurs, y compris des créations d’auteur uniques ;
→ trading directement depuis le graphique, mise en place des stratégies de protection ;
→ personnalisation complète pour vous-même – couleurs, dégradés, transparence, polices, etc.
Indicateurs uniques
Utilisez 200+ indicateurs d’analyse technique en combinaison avec les outils d’analyse de volume les plus avancés :
→ Delta, Cumulative Delta, Bid Ask, Cluster Statistic — pour l’analyse des volumes en bougies ;
→ Cluster search — pour le travaille avec des clusters ;
→ Big Trades, Tape Patterns, Order Flow, Market Power — pour le travail avec le flux d’ordres, Smart Tape ;
→ Dynamic Levels, Maximum Levels, Market Profile & TPO — pour l’analyse des volumes horizontaux, une analyse approfondie de la liquidité ;
→ DOM Levels, DOM Power — pour analyser l’activité du carnet d’ordres et construire des cartes thermiques de la liquidité ;
→ de nombreux autres outils utiles.
Tous les indicateurs ont des paramètres flexibles, pour beaucoup d’eux, vous pouvez définir des alertes.
Voulez-vous compléter l’arsenal d’ATAS ? Créez vos propres indicateurs en C# à l’aide de l’API étendue ou commandez-les auprès de nos développeurs.
Bourses et connexions
Grand choix de marchés
Connexions stables et sécurisées directement aux principaux bourses et fournisseurs de données mondiales :
→ 12 connecteurs aux CME Group, Nasdaq, Eurex et d’autres marchés des États-Unis et de l’UE ;
→ 3 connecteurs pour les actions des États-Unis ;
→ 6 connecteurs MOEX, dont la passerelle directe d’échange Plaza 2 et le terminal populaire QUIK ;
→ 7 connecteurs CRYPTO, y compris Binance, Bybit, Bitget, etc. ;
→ 2 connexions aux principaux fournisseurs de données : dxFeed et IQfeed ;
→ votre propre serveur de démonstration ATAS pour tester des stratégies sans risque pour le capital ;
→ votre propre serveur de données en ligne de crypto-monnaie.
La connexion directe garantit une vitesse et une stabilité maximales. Votre information personnelle des comptes est totalement sécurisée – elle est stockée sous forme cryptée uniquement sur votre PC.
Connectez un nombre illimité de comptes en parallèle sur un programme.
Trading confortable
Tout pour un trading efficace et confortable sur un programme :
→ Trading depuis le graphique et le carnet d’ordres en un clic ;
→ raccourcis clavier pour un trading rapide et une gestion des positions ;
→ modification des ordres par glisser-déposer ;
→ stratégies de protection pour la gestion automatique des positions et Stop-Loss/Take-Profit ;
→ API de robots de trading pour une automatisation complète du trading ;
→ portefeuille composite pour gérer plusieurs comptes en parallèle ;
→ fenêtres d’ordres, de positions, de transactions et de comptes pour contrôler l’état de tous vos actifs ;
→ module de statistiques de trading pour analyser les résultats de trading ;
→ serveur démo pour tester des stratégies de trading sans risque, au plus proche du trading réel ;
→ module avancé Chart Trader pour crypto avec gestion de la devise de l’ordre, de l’effet de levier, du mode de marge, etc.
Market Replay
Market Replay
Expérience de trading sans risque et beaucoup plus rapide
Market Replay est un émulateur qui recrée le trading du passé dans le présent. Au sens figuré, c’est une « machine à remonter le temps » – avec les boutons Play, Pause, Stop. Apprenez à trader, testez des stratégies ou des robots sans risquer de capital réel.
Fonctionnalités principales :
→ reproduit le flux réel des transactions et des données DOM, y compris les graphiques en clusters (Footprint) et les périodes non standards ;
→ travaille simultanément avec un grand nombre d’instruments ;
→ fonctionne avec tous les indicateurs et modules de la plateforme ;
→ vitesse réglable de x1 à x50 pour gagner du temps ;
→ trading manuel (ou à l’aide des robots de trading) sur un compte démo avec résultats dans le module de statistiques ;
→ toute période de plus de 10 ans est chargée automatiquement ;
→ fonctionne même le week-end.
Journal et statistiques
Journal du trader
Toutes les informations clés sur le trading et un contrôle total de vos actifs en un seul endroit :
→ ordres actifs et annulés ;
→ transactions sur tous les comptes ;
→ positions ouvertes et fermées ;
→ soldes, open PnL, commissions de courtage sur tous les comptes (réels et démo).
Module de statistiques
Aide le trader à améliorer son trading. L’analyse des indicateurs de trading clés vous montrera où vous gagnez et où vous perdez :
→ historique de toutes les transactions, positions et ordres ;
→ filtrage par temps, instruments, comptes ;
→ 17 indicateurs de statistiques clés ;
→ graphiques d’équilibre et d’équité ;
→ possibilité de laisser des commentaires sur vos transactions.
Smart Tape
Smart Tape
Smart Tape (T&S)
Une version améliorée de Smart Tape classique pour lire le flux d’ordres en bourse :
→ l’agrégation d’impressions est un algorithme d’auteur unique montre la taille réelle des transactions de marché agressives ;
→ le filtre sépare et suit les actions des grands et des petits acteurs ;
→ l’intérêt ouvert (Open Interest – OI) montre l’entrée ou la sortie d’argent sur le marché ;
→ l’indicateur de force d’achat/vente montre l’équilibre ou le déséquilibre entre les haussiers et les baissiers ;
→ l’indicateur de vitesse du flux affiche des pics d’activité ou une accalmie du marché ;
→ le mode historique vous permet d’analyser le flux des transactions dans n’importe quelle période ;
→ modèles pour enregistrer vos paramètres préférés du flux.
Utilisez les indicateurs d’auteur d’ATAS pour évaluer visuellement le flux des transactions directement sur le graphique des prix : Orderflow, Speed of Tape, Big Trades, etc.
Smart DOM
Smart DOM
Carnet d’ordres intelligent
Smart DOM (Order Book, carnet d’ordres de bourse) n’est pas seulement un puissant moteur de scalping, mais aussi un outil d’analyse des ordres à cours limité. Parmi les avantages du module :
→ travail avec toute la profondeur du carnet d’ordres et la mise à l’échelle pour la crypto-monnaie ;
→ affichage de l’ordre passé dans la file d’attente des ordres ;
→ visualisation des volumes tradés à chaque niveau ;
→ détecteur de spoofing (manipulation des ordres dans le carnet) ;
→ méthode innovante d’identification des algorithmes haute fréquence (HFT) ;
→ designer de modèles pour créer et enregistrer un carnet d’ordres pratique à toutes fins.
La plateforme contient également nos propres indicateurs qui vous aideront à évaluer visuellement la dynamique du carnet d’ordres directement sur le graphique des prix : DOM Levels, Scalping DOM, DOM Power.
Vos propres solutions
Grâce à l’API ATAS étendue, vous pouvez compléter les outils de la plateforme avec vos propres indicateurs personnalisés, robots de trading ou stratégies défensives :
→ permet d’utiliser toutes les fonctionnalités du langage C# ;
→ ouvre l’accès à des catégories uniques de données : le contenu des clusters, les transactions agrégées, le profil de volume ;
→ fournit et permet de gérer l’accès à vos développements à d’autres utilisateurs d’ATAS via un compte personnel ou une API distincte.
Si vous avez un concept bien pensé d’un nouvel outil, mais aucune compétence en programmation, vous pouvez demander de l’aide à nos développeurs.

TrustScore 4.3 | 193 total
1 year ago
Best in Class (Futures)
After close to a decade employing many different platforms, I can say that ATAS remains my first choice to trade futures. Does everything out of the box that usually requires multiple paid addons to platforms from other vendors. Fast and light, with an excellent and responsive support team that is constantly improving under the hood. Thanks ATAS for this stellar product.
1 year ago
Very intuitive and powerful interface
I am quite new to this kind of trading, I mean using volume profile and order flow. But I have already tested and view different trading program and I have to say, Atas has the nicer and more intuitive interface, along with further extension possibility and customization.I find also the c# interface, to create custom indicator or bot quite interesting. I will definitely go deeper along this road.

1 year ago
The Best assistant agent maksym helps…
The Best assistant agent maksym helps you with everything
1 year ago
Great support
Great support, prompt and kind response to all my queries and doubts. About platform, simply the best.very grateful with my experience by now

1 year ago
Top notch trading platform
I've been working on order flow and footprint/cluster analysis for a while to improve my strategy and I came across this platform (as it should be) and I feel like I'm settling down to ATAS from now on yet it's my first day trying it.Why? At first, It's uniquely suited to every aspect of volume analysis. Its simple and easy to use. I succesfully managed to personalize the charts within minutes but they also have detailed guides for it if you find it a bit confusing. It has some beginner friendly features like demo trading account and educational content and also pro-grade tools for traders who want take their trading skills to the next level. Overall, top notch trading platform that meets every need of a day trader.
1 year ago
a lot of good stuff
1. You can set up ANYTHING they way you like it. Therefore ATAS can be adapted for everybodys personal needs and likes. Keep improving, you are doing a great job.2. The service outside ATAS is really good. You can learn anything before you even use ATAS for the first time. Furthermore, if you have specific questions, you will always find some usefull threads concerning your question. 3. The prices are very fair in my opinion. You get a lot for your money, even if you do not purchase a lifetime membership. And besides, even the lifetime membership is very cheap, compared to the money you can generate out of it.4. Oh no, now comes something negative. :(Sometimes, after you provided a new update, all the persnal drawings and / or indicators and / or templates are gone. So it is a little bit annoying to redo all the open charts. Would be great if after an update, the workspace remains unchanged.Thanks for providing such an useful program for such a fair price. As a newcomer in the field of volume trading I can confirm that ATAS contributed a huge part to my success. I wish you all the best for 2024 and many many new subscribers! :))Yours sincerely, Jean-Pierre
1 year ago
Best in Class (Futures)
After close to a decade employing many different platforms, I can say that ATAS remains my first choice to trade futures. Does everything out of the box that usually requires multiple paid addons to platforms from other vendors. Fast and light, with an excellent and responsive support team that is constantly improving under the hood. Thanks ATAS for this stellar product.
1 year ago
Very intuitive and powerful interface
I am quite new to this kind of trading, I mean using volume profile and order flow. But I have already tested and view different trading program and I have to say, Atas has the nicer and more intuitive interface, along with further extension possibility and customization.I find also the c# interface, to create custom indicator or bot quite interesting. I will definitely go deeper along this road.

1 year ago
The Best assistant agent maksym helps…
The Best assistant agent maksym helps you with everything
1 year ago
Great support
Great support, prompt and kind response to all my queries and doubts. About platform, simply the best.very grateful with my experience by now

1 year ago
Top notch trading platform
I've been working on order flow and footprint/cluster analysis for a while to improve my strategy and I came across this platform (as it should be) and I feel like I'm settling down to ATAS from now on yet it's my first day trying it.Why? At first, It's uniquely suited to every aspect of volume analysis. Its simple and easy to use. I succesfully managed to personalize the charts within minutes but they also have detailed guides for it if you find it a bit confusing. It has some beginner friendly features like demo trading account and educational content and also pro-grade tools for traders who want take their trading skills to the next level. Overall, top notch trading platform that meets every need of a day trader.
1 year ago
a lot of good stuff
1. You can set up ANYTHING they way you like it. Therefore ATAS can be adapted for everybodys personal needs and likes. Keep improving, you are doing a great job.2. The service outside ATAS is really good. You can learn anything before you even use ATAS for the first time. Furthermore, if you have specific questions, you will always find some usefull threads concerning your question. 3. The prices are very fair in my opinion. You get a lot for your money, even if you do not purchase a lifetime membership. And besides, even the lifetime membership is very cheap, compared to the money you can generate out of it.4. Oh no, now comes something negative. :(Sometimes, after you provided a new update, all the persnal drawings and / or indicators and / or templates are gone. So it is a little bit annoying to redo all the open charts. Would be great if after an update, the workspace remains unchanged.Thanks for providing such an useful program for such a fair price. As a newcomer in the field of volume trading I can confirm that ATAS contributed a huge part to my success. I wish you all the best for 2024 and many many new subscribers! :))Yours sincerely, Jean-Pierre
1 year ago
Best in Class (Futures)
After close to a decade employing many different platforms, I can say that ATAS remains my first choice to trade futures. Does everything out of the box that usually requires multiple paid addons to platforms from other vendors. Fast and light, with an excellent and responsive support team that is constantly improving under the hood. Thanks ATAS for this stellar product.
1 year ago
Very intuitive and powerful interface
I am quite new to this kind of trading, I mean using volume profile and order flow. But I have already tested and view different trading program and I have to say, Atas has the nicer and more intuitive interface, along with further extension possibility and customization.I find also the c# interface, to create custom indicator or bot quite interesting. I will definitely go deeper along this road.

1 year ago
The Best assistant agent maksym helps…
The Best assistant agent maksym helps you with everything
1 year ago
Great support
Great support, prompt and kind response to all my queries and doubts. About platform, simply the best.very grateful with my experience by now

1 year ago
Top notch trading platform
I've been working on order flow and footprint/cluster analysis for a while to improve my strategy and I came across this platform (as it should be) and I feel like I'm settling down to ATAS from now on yet it's my first day trying it.Why? At first, It's uniquely suited to every aspect of volume analysis. Its simple and easy to use. I succesfully managed to personalize the charts within minutes but they also have detailed guides for it if you find it a bit confusing. It has some beginner friendly features like demo trading account and educational content and also pro-grade tools for traders who want take their trading skills to the next level. Overall, top notch trading platform that meets every need of a day trader.
1 year ago
a lot of good stuff
1. You can set up ANYTHING they way you like it. Therefore ATAS can be adapted for everybodys personal needs and likes. Keep improving, you are doing a great job.2. The service outside ATAS is really good. You can learn anything before you even use ATAS for the first time. Furthermore, if you have specific questions, you will always find some usefull threads concerning your question. 3. The prices are very fair in my opinion. You get a lot for your money, even if you do not purchase a lifetime membership. And besides, even the lifetime membership is very cheap, compared to the money you can generate out of it.4. Oh no, now comes something negative. :(Sometimes, after you provided a new update, all the persnal drawings and / or indicators and / or templates are gone. So it is a little bit annoying to redo all the open charts. Would be great if after an update, the workspace remains unchanged.Thanks for providing such an useful program for such a fair price. As a newcomer in the field of volume trading I can confirm that ATAS contributed a huge part to my success. I wish you all the best for 2024 and many many new subscribers! :))Yours sincerely, Jean-Pierre
1 year ago
Best in Class (Futures)
After close to a decade employing many different platforms, I can say that ATAS remains my first choice to trade futures. Does everything out of the box that usually requires multiple paid addons to platforms from other vendors. Fast and light, with an excellent and responsive support team that is constantly improving under the hood. Thanks ATAS for this stellar product.
1 year ago
Very intuitive and powerful interface
I am quite new to this kind of trading, I mean using volume profile and order flow. But I have already tested and view different trading program and I have to say, Atas has the nicer and more intuitive interface, along with further extension possibility and customization.I find also the c# interface, to create custom indicator or bot quite interesting. I will definitely go deeper along this road.

1 year ago
The Best assistant agent maksym helps…
The Best assistant agent maksym helps you with everything
1 year ago
Great support
Great support, prompt and kind response to all my queries and doubts. About platform, simply the best.very grateful with my experience by now

1 year ago
Top notch trading platform
I've been working on order flow and footprint/cluster analysis for a while to improve my strategy and I came across this platform (as it should be) and I feel like I'm settling down to ATAS from now on yet it's my first day trying it.Why? At first, It's uniquely suited to every aspect of volume analysis. Its simple and easy to use. I succesfully managed to personalize the charts within minutes but they also have detailed guides for it if you find it a bit confusing. It has some beginner friendly features like demo trading account and educational content and also pro-grade tools for traders who want take their trading skills to the next level. Overall, top notch trading platform that meets every need of a day trader.
1 year ago
a lot of good stuff
1. You can set up ANYTHING they way you like it. Therefore ATAS can be adapted for everybodys personal needs and likes. Keep improving, you are doing a great job.2. The service outside ATAS is really good. You can learn anything before you even use ATAS for the first time. Furthermore, if you have specific questions, you will always find some usefull threads concerning your question. 3. The prices are very fair in my opinion. You get a lot for your money, even if you do not purchase a lifetime membership. And besides, even the lifetime membership is very cheap, compared to the money you can generate out of it.4. Oh no, now comes something negative. :(Sometimes, after you provided a new update, all the persnal drawings and / or indicators and / or templates are gone. So it is a little bit annoying to redo all the open charts. Would be great if after an update, the workspace remains unchanged.Thanks for providing such an useful program for such a fair price. As a newcomer in the field of volume trading I can confirm that ATAS contributed a huge part to my success. I wish you all the best for 2024 and many many new subscribers! :))Yours sincerely, Jean-Pierre
1 year ago
Best in Class (Futures)
After close to a decade employing many different platforms, I can say that ATAS remains my first choice to trade futures. Does everything out of the box that usually requires multiple paid addons to platforms from other vendors. Fast and light, with an excellent and responsive support team that is constantly improving under the hood. Thanks ATAS for this stellar product.
1 year ago
Very intuitive and powerful interface
I am quite new to this kind of trading, I mean using volume profile and order flow. But I have already tested and view different trading program and I have to say, Atas has the nicer and more intuitive interface, along with further extension possibility and customization.I find also the c# interface, to create custom indicator or bot quite interesting. I will definitely go deeper along this road.

1 year ago
The Best assistant agent maksym helps…
The Best assistant agent maksym helps you with everything
1 year ago
Great support
Great support, prompt and kind response to all my queries and doubts. About platform, simply the best.very grateful with my experience by now

1 year ago
Top notch trading platform
I've been working on order flow and footprint/cluster analysis for a while to improve my strategy and I came across this platform (as it should be) and I feel like I'm settling down to ATAS from now on yet it's my first day trying it.Why? At first, It's uniquely suited to every aspect of volume analysis. Its simple and easy to use. I succesfully managed to personalize the charts within minutes but they also have detailed guides for it if you find it a bit confusing. It has some beginner friendly features like demo trading account and educational content and also pro-grade tools for traders who want take their trading skills to the next level. Overall, top notch trading platform that meets every need of a day trader.
1 year ago
a lot of good stuff
1. You can set up ANYTHING they way you like it. Therefore ATAS can be adapted for everybodys personal needs and likes. Keep improving, you are doing a great job.2. The service outside ATAS is really good. You can learn anything before you even use ATAS for the first time. Furthermore, if you have specific questions, you will always find some usefull threads concerning your question. 3. The prices are very fair in my opinion. You get a lot for your money, even if you do not purchase a lifetime membership. And besides, even the lifetime membership is very cheap, compared to the money you can generate out of it.4. Oh no, now comes something negative. :(Sometimes, after you provided a new update, all the persnal drawings and / or indicators and / or templates are gone. So it is a little bit annoying to redo all the open charts. Would be great if after an update, the workspace remains unchanged.Thanks for providing such an useful program for such a fair price. As a newcomer in the field of volume trading I can confirm that ATAS contributed a huge part to my success. I wish you all the best for 2024 and many many new subscribers! :))Yours sincerely, Jean-Pierre
1 year ago
Best in Class (Futures)
After close to a decade employing many different platforms, I can say that ATAS remains my first choice to trade futures. Does everything out of the box that usually requires multiple paid addons to platforms from other vendors. Fast and light, with an excellent and responsive support team that is constantly improving under the hood. Thanks ATAS for this stellar product.
1 year ago
Very intuitive and powerful interface
I am quite new to this kind of trading, I mean using volume profile and order flow. But I have already tested and view different trading program and I have to say, Atas has the nicer and more intuitive interface, along with further extension possibility and customization.I find also the c# interface, to create custom indicator or bot quite interesting. I will definitely go deeper along this road.

1 year ago
The Best assistant agent maksym helps…
The Best assistant agent maksym helps you with everything
1 year ago
Great support
Great support, prompt and kind response to all my queries and doubts. About platform, simply the best.very grateful with my experience by now

1 year ago
Top notch trading platform
I've been working on order flow and footprint/cluster analysis for a while to improve my strategy and I came across this platform (as it should be) and I feel like I'm settling down to ATAS from now on yet it's my first day trying it.Why? At first, It's uniquely suited to every aspect of volume analysis. Its simple and easy to use. I succesfully managed to personalize the charts within minutes but they also have detailed guides for it if you find it a bit confusing. It has some beginner friendly features like demo trading account and educational content and also pro-grade tools for traders who want take their trading skills to the next level. Overall, top notch trading platform that meets every need of a day trader.
1 year ago
a lot of good stuff
1. You can set up ANYTHING they way you like it. Therefore ATAS can be adapted for everybodys personal needs and likes. Keep improving, you are doing a great job.2. The service outside ATAS is really good. You can learn anything before you even use ATAS for the first time. Furthermore, if you have specific questions, you will always find some usefull threads concerning your question. 3. The prices are very fair in my opinion. You get a lot for your money, even if you do not purchase a lifetime membership. And besides, even the lifetime membership is very cheap, compared to the money you can generate out of it.4. Oh no, now comes something negative. :(Sometimes, after you provided a new update, all the persnal drawings and / or indicators and / or templates are gone. So it is a little bit annoying to redo all the open charts. Would be great if after an update, the workspace remains unchanged.Thanks for providing such an useful program for such a fair price. As a newcomer in the field of volume trading I can confirm that ATAS contributed a huge part to my success. I wish you all the best for 2024 and many many new subscribers! :))Yours sincerely, Jean-Pierre
1 year ago
Best in Class (Futures)
After close to a decade employing many different platforms, I can say that ATAS remains my first choice to trade futures. Does everything out of the box that usually requires multiple paid addons to platforms from other vendors. Fast and light, with an excellent and responsive support team that is constantly improving under the hood. Thanks ATAS for this stellar product.
1 year ago
Very intuitive and powerful interface
I am quite new to this kind of trading, I mean using volume profile and order flow. But I have already tested and view different trading program and I have to say, Atas has the nicer and more intuitive interface, along with further extension possibility and customization.I find also the c# interface, to create custom indicator or bot quite interesting. I will definitely go deeper along this road.

1 year ago
The Best assistant agent maksym helps…
The Best assistant agent maksym helps you with everything