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Paradeplatz gets competition - FlowBank's green wave is rolling into Zurich

ne year after its successful launch and rapid growth, FlowBank opens an office in the heart of Zurich's financial district. In addition, FlowBank announces its new strategic shareholder, CoinShares International, a pioneer in digital asset investing listed on the Nasdaq Growth Market in Sweden. This further reinforces FlowBank's commitment to go beyond the frontiers of traditional investment by providing its customers easy-to-use and trusted gateways to decentralised finance.

Celebrating its one-year anniversary, FlowBank inaugurates a new office in Zurich. The expansion into the country's main financial hub underlines FlowBank's deeply-rooted commitment to Switzerland.

FlowBank's new office will accommodate both the business development team as well as key functions of the customer support team. Charles Henri Sabet, FlowBank's founder, and CEO noted that "Zurich's well-known Paradeplatz is getting competition. With our new location at Löwenplatz, we will now be able to extend our outreach and better connect with our growing user base across all Swiss cantons."

Beyond traditional investing

FlowBank's mission starts within Switzerland's borders but has international ambitions. FlowBank's association with CoinShares, Europe's largest and longest standing digital asset firm, further solidifies FlowBank's mission to create a seamless and innovative banking and investment journey for its customers whilst keeping the very best of Swiss banking heritage.

Jean-Marie Mognetti, CoinShares Co-Founder and CEO added: "CoinShares' technology stack is the backbone of our success since 2015. To date this infrastructure layer has powered our internal commercial developments. Offering FlowBank our expertise and the capacity to start building on our technology brick is a testimony to our State of the Art infrastructure. FlowBank's and our vision for the banking and investing industries align perfectly and therefore serve as fertile soil for a trusting, enduring partnership. It is our pleasure to become a close partner to Charles Henri Sabet and his team and help them achieve their growth ambitions."

Continuous enhancement of product offering

Today FlowBank's clients can invest in CoinShares' crypto ETPs. Thanks to CoinShares' technology stack offering, starting from the beginning of next year, customers will be able to directly buy, HODL, sell, share cryptocurrencies as well as other tokenized assets directly from their FlowBank account.

This further expands the wide financial product suite currently available through FlowBank. Today more than 50,000 financial products including stocks, bonds, commodities, ETFs, Forex, CFDs, and more are at the customers' fingertips. And with the launch of MetaTrader 4 (MT4) later this month, clients will be able to further enhance their Forex trading experience.



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