Admiral Markets

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Junior PR Specialist

Admirals is expanding and looking for a new hero to join our global team. We are looking for an enthusiastic Public Relations to join our global marketing team, and support Admirals' global storytelling initiatives across traditional and digital media channels. As a key member of our motivated and multicultural team, you will work closely with the global marketing team to execute integrated brand outreach campaigns for Admirals.

Junior PR Specialist - we know you are out there!

Who we are?

Admirals is one of the world's leading FinTech companies. When we started our business 20 years ago, we were among the first online trading providers, while today we have evolved into a financial hub, making personal finance transparent and accessible to everyone and everywhere. We are constantly expanding and diversifying our product offerings, and we are known as the quality market leader throughout the years. Today, Admirals consists of a team of over 400 professionals located in 18 offices worldwide, making us a truly global organization.

Why you should become an Admiral?

  • Equality and professional development - as an employer, Admirals believes in a balanced approach towards employee rights and gender equality. We care about your success and development and offer numerous training programs and benefits to enhance your skills and advance your careers.
  • Global support to the team - our experience in numerous geographical regions enables us to nurture you with progressive policies that respect the value of individual and group cultures. We aim to provide an efficient infrastructure and responsive organization to support you in your daily work-related challenges.
  • Our values - we value creativity, innovation, and the power of teamwork that we all bring to the table.

Your daily activities as Junior PR Specialist will be:

  • Researching story angles
  • Curating content including press releases, responses, and press notes
  • Compiling daily updates on company, competitor, industry news, insights and inspiration to better inform PR initiatives
  • Assisting in planning traditional as well as digital press campaigns
  • Aligning media interactions for the company spokesperson
  • Mapping out media outlets, and influencer channels in the financial beat
  • Monitoring and encoding outreach activities and project/campaign pick up
  • Analysis, reporting and presentation of results in dedicated reports and presentations

You are best for this role if:

  • You are passionate about finance
  • You are fluent in English
  • You have excellent communication skills
  • You have a keen eye for what makes news
  • You go the extra mile to get ideas, find solutions, showing proactivity and ability to work independently if needed
  • You are at ease with Microsoft Office suite
  • You have a bachelor's degree in PR, Marketing, Journalism, Communications or related
  • You have a basic knowledge of journalism

We are glad to offer:

  • Company benefits - competitive salary, internal bonuses related to the company business results, other location-specific benefits
  • Personal and professional development - paid external training, professional literature, and e-courses
  • Global team - working with a motivated and talented international team
  • Meaningful and impactful work - Admirals is a regulated global financial company and among the 20 biggest brokers in the world

Admirals is one of the world's leading FinTech companies. When we started our business 20 years ago, we were among the first online trading providers, while today we have evolved into a financial hub, making personal finance transparent and accessible to everyone and everywhere. We are constantly expanding and diversifying our product offerings, and we are known as the quality market leader throughout the years. Today, Admirals consists of a team of over 400 professionals located in 18 offices worldwide, making us a truly global organization.

Admiral Markets


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Bourse d'emplo

Vous êtes une entreprise du secteur financier et vous recherchez des collaborateurs ambitieux - volontiers des cadres supérieurs pour occuper un poste de chef de département ou de directeur ? Ou, plus difficile encore, de trouver des personnes qualifiées pour travailler dans le secteur financier au niveau C. Fit et Proper - ce sont des critères décisifs lorsqu'il s'agit de trouver du personnel qualifié. Vous cherchez des experts avec de l'expérience, de la passion, de l'enthousiasme.

Vous êtes à la recherche d'un nouveau défi ? Vous parlez espagnol, français, allemand - alors peut-être que la prochaine aventure passionnante de votre carrière professionnelle personnelle vous attend déjà ici. Sur notre plate-forme d'emploi, vous trouverez vos nouveaux collaborateurs et peut-être un, voire LE nouvel employeur.

Sur notre bourse de l'emploi, vous pouvez publier des offres et des demandes d'emploi. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter si vous êtes chasseur de têtes ou si vous avez des postes à pourvoir en tant qu'entreprise.