Vestle Active Investing

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iFOREX Aims to Simplify Crypto Trading With Launch of iFOREX Crypto Trading Platform

TORTOLA, British Virgin Islands, Aug. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- iFOREX, a leading global financial broker with offices in the British Virgin Islands, recently launched iFOREX Crypto, a mobile trading app dedicated exclusively to the cryptocurrency CFD trading market.

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iFOREX Aims to Simplify Crypto Trading With Launch of iFOREX Crypto Trading Platform iFOREX recently launched iFOREX Crypto, a mobile trading app dedicated exclusively to the cryptocurrency CFD trading market. MultiVu - PR Newswire MultiVu


The idea for iFOREX Crypto came as an answer to a growing problem: the world of cryptocurrency is more popular than ever, however it presents a variety of challenges that can make it difficult for even the most skilled crypto enthusiasts to enter with confidence. These challenges include expensive fees associated with traditional crypto exchanges, the hassle and security risk of maintaining an e-wallet, the need for proper education, and the often high prices of the cryptos themselves that can make traditional crypto trading unattainable.

iFOREX Crypto offers crypto enthusiasts a way around these challenges with a large selection of tradeable cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, Dogecoin, and many others, along with no blockchain fees and no need for an e-wallet. Additionally, users can access the app's built-in Learning Hub to gain the basic skills required to understand the cryptocurrency market and open their first trading deal.

A spokesperson for Formula Investment House Ltd, operator of the website, said: "The hype surrounding cryptocurrency trading can be felt around the globe, however it can be both intimidating and expensive to enter if you're not familiar with it, and there's a lack of general education about how crypto trading works. With iFOREX Crypto, we aim to democratize access to the cryptocurrency market by providing investors of all skill and experience levels with a simplified, intuitive trading experience, along with the necessary education to trade crypto CFDs with knowledge."

For over 25 years, iFOREX has remained one of the largest and most respected firms in the Fintech industry, emerging early on as an industry leader in technological innovation and with a dedication to trust and excellence. "iFOREX Crypto is the next logical move for a company that holds knowledge and client confidence as two of its highest priorities," the spokesperson added.

To celebrate the launch of iFOREX Crypto, the company is offering a limited time promotion that will award up to $200 for free in a Dogecoin deal to the first 200 people to download the app, register for an account, and complete verification.

The iFOREX Crypto app is available for both Android and iOS operating systems and can be downloaded from the Google Play and Apple App stores, respectively.

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Cryptocurrency Trading (PRNewsfoto/iFOERX)

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Vestle Active Investing

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