Tio Markets

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TAGs: Social Media

Social Media & Engagement Manager

n opportunity exists to join our marketing team as a Social Media & Engagement Manager. If you are a high-caliber individual that can produce engaging content that gets results on social media, we want to hear from you.

Job description

Main duties and responsibilities of the role:

  • Responsible managing the company’s social media pages on multiple platforms.
  • Devise and implement short and long term strategies to grow our brand on social media.
  • Interact with the public and act as ambassador on social media channels.
  • Monitor and respond to online reviews and feedback.
  • Create and curate creative content to share on social media.
  • Increase likes, shares, followers, comments and reach on social media platforms.
  • Translate content where applicable for our global audience.
  • Update and post content to our website or blog as and when needed.
  • Proofread and edit work before publication.
  • Submit work to editors for review and approval.
  • Research industry related topics and current trends to generate ideas for content.
  • Ensure all-round consistency and adhere to our brand guidelines (Style, colors, tone, fonts, images, etc).
  • Pro-actively and continuously source new venues for attracting traders.
  • Build relationships and partnerships in communities and platforms in which traders congregate.
  • Assist the marketing team with any other tasks as and when needed.

Key Attributes:

  • University Degree in related field is preferred.
  • Previous experience as a social media manager (experience in a forex company is preferred).
  • Interest in trading and financial markets is preferred.
  • Ability to analyze and report on social media accounts and trends.
  • Excellent communication and writing skills (in English) with attention to details.
  • Ability to multitask and work to deadlines.
  • Able to work independently under own initiative as well as part of a team.
  • Any other languages will be considered as an advantage.

We offer

  • An attractive remuneration package depending on qualifications and experience.
  • 21 days annual leave.
  • Hybrid (office/home) working arrangement possible.
  • Opportunity for professional growth.
  • A friendly atmosphere and to work with a professional team.
  • Private health care insurance after the end of your probationary period.
  • Participation in the employee’s provident fund scheme upon completion of your probationary period.

Tio markets is a fast growing and ambitious company headquartered in Cyprus, Limassol that provides access to global financial markets through our online trading platform.


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