CBR is used on the Due Diligence Hub information platform as an abbreviation for the English term cash burn rate. The CBR is interpreted as an indicator that refers to the loss rates defined by the European supervisory authority ESMA. Further information can be found here.
Since the introduction of mandatory publication, Due Diligence Hub has been tracking the loss ratios. The industry overview on the homepage shows the ranking starting with the provider with the lowest loss ratio. The data is collected on the 15th calendar day after the end of each calendar quarter. As a rule, the statistics are transferred to the new rankings on the 20th calendar day. The same applies to the CBR trend view, which shows how the loss ratios have developed.
You will find this abbreviation again in many overviews and rankings created by DDH. If it is a functional element of the platform, such as a button, a mouse click will take you directly to the register of the respective financial market supervisory authority.