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Research methodology
Our ambition is to provide all users of our portal with high and user-value detailed information in a compact, user-friendly and easily comprehensible manner.

Data collection, processing and refinement

Due Diligence Hub has been collecting CFD industry metrics since 2018 and making them available for public use.

DDH currently clusters the entire European market of CFD and FX providers. This includes companies that are registered with the European Securities and Markets Authority ("ESMA") and authorised by their national supervisory authorities ("NCA") to provide financial services. Companies from third countries, such as the United Kingdom or Switzerland, were selectively included in the catalogue. The database is continuously expanded and new financial service providers are added.

The Market Screener developed by 3R monitors different sources fully automatically, scans them for changes and logs them. On the main page you will find a ranking list showing the current key figures of the providers in terms of loss rates (cash burn rate, CBR). This is only one of many overviews that DDH makes available to you. Depending on your interest, you can take a tour of the portal using our 360° feature. You can also navigate directly to the sitemap and from there easily access overviews such as sponsoring, social trading, trading environments, customer ratings or stock listings.  

The content items embedded in the views relate to companies that have qualified for DDH coverage. The views differentiate. They provide further information on a topic-specific basis, enabling further research on financial service providers.  

The data material, which has been collected, analysed and processed over many years, has undergone extensive quality assurance, editorial processing or refinement. Updates are made regularly by checking publicly available sources. If you engage more intensively with the functions provided by DDH, you will quickly realise how useful the compiled data is and how it can help you with your very individual vendor due diligence.  

All overviews published on the portal focus less on elements of the financial service providers' own presentation. Interested parties can form their own opinion on this via the companies' websites. Rather, DDH concentrates on providing background information on the companies, the people involved, the business processes underlying the business models and much more.  

The unique selling point of DDH is not only the extensive data stock. A significant added value is achieved through the networked presentation. DDH was not designed as a marketing platform, but follows the idea that demand and supply are brought together on a central and independent platform. This means, as it were, that companies are given the opportunity to present themselves to their target group in the best possible way. Especially in an area of the financial market that is often wrongly accused of lacking transparency and where there are indeed deficits in many places, there should be a great interest in building customer relationship management on a solid foundation of trust, reliability and transparency. 

However, DDH also wants to contribute to giving lesser-known financial service providers, companies with small marketing budgets or new market participants real opportunities to make themselves and their product portfolios accessible to a broad public. Of course, this also applies to companies expanding into new regions or markets.

DDH feels committed to both investor protection and the provider side. The portal is intended to help prevent black sheep from directing their offers to inexperienced investors. In the case of financial service providers that are not included in the DDH coverage, it must be assumed that there are reasons for this.

If you do not reach the desired result when studying the information and doing further research, please do not hesitate to contact us. We can provide you with specific information in response to specific enquiries. You are also welcome to book a non-binding consultation.

For initial feedback and as the number one source of knowledge, we recommend our community platform. There are a number of experts and industry insiders there who are happy to share their expertise with like-minded people

Nobody is perfect
Data collection is carried out with great care and involves a variety of external sources. Since information, once collected, is not a static construct but changes from time to time, it cannot be completely ruled out that temporary gaps may occur. Should you find that published data is outdated or incorrect in one area or another, we would appreciate it if you would let us know with reference to a suitable verification source. Our editorial team will deal with any incoming enquiry and, if necessary, bring the dataset up to date. We are also happy to receive your feedback should you miss important sources of information.