Pillar 3


Disclosure requirements (575/2013 Art.433,"Pillar 3") are a supplement to the capital requirements ("Pillar 1") and the supervisory review process ("Pillar 2"). The aim is to provide all relevant market participants with the most comprehensive information possible on the risk management, capital adequacy and liquidity of a financial services provider. The disclosure requirements have been binding since the end of 2016.
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EQSS Reporting

Transparency - a key criterion and added value
Financial service providers are obliged to publish the Pillar 3 Reports on the website by the end of April of a calendar year. The timely publication, scope, quality and timeliness are included in the DDH assessment model. Companies that stand out through high transparency can score points over the competition. Since it is a concern of the industry to stand out from black sheep through transparency and fairness, the majority is interested in making this information available to as broad a public as possible.
DDH+TinyURL: ddh.plus/en/p3