
Gereon Kruse

On the finance portal boersengefluester.de, founded in 2013 by Gereon Kruse, everything revolves around German shares - with a clear focus on second-line stocks. In addition to classic editorial articles, the site stands out in particular due to a large number of self-developed analysis tools.

All tools are based on a database of more than 650 stocks, which is completely maintained by boersengefluester. This enables boersengefluester.de to produce Germany's largest earnings and dividend forecast. In addition to the many traditional fundamental key figures, boersengefluester.de offers extensive data on social media presences as well as regional data on the company's registered office up to the Google Plus code.
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Gereon Kruse

boersengefluester.de GmbH

boersengefluester.de GmbH


Oberlindau 65
60323 Frankfurt
This service is available in German language


Background information
The boersengefluester.de team regularly conducts background discussions with board members and is present at many capital market conferences and round tables. We regularly report on the highlights in detail - neutral and balanced.

Unique analysis tools
We offer exclusive tools on short-seller activities (RegSHO), fundamental and performance data, auditors, dividend topics, all-time highs, comprehensive financial calendars or non-standard regio evaluations.

Database in Excel format
For daily download, interested parties can download an Excel version of the database with selected key figures for a fee.

Editorial soft coverages
Companies that want to increase their visibility on the capital market can use
boersengefluester.de's paid soft coverages. Your advantage as an IR officer: you continuously receive high-quality editorial assessments of current quarterly figures or other events relevant to the share price.

"I don't know of any other stock market service in Germany that reports so competently on small and micro caps. Somehow there is always that one extra piece of information here that I can't find anywhere else," says Rüdiger K. Weng, CEO of Weng Fine Art.

Board interviews
The team of boersengefluester.de regularly conducts interviews with board members of companies from our coverage universe. Please feel free to inquire about the possibilities of a cooperation.

boersengefluester.de offers almost 8,000 annual reports - for the years 2007 to 2021 - for free download on its second website geschaeftsberichte-download.de. This is an exclusive service that will not be available again. As a company or communications agency, take advantage of the opportunity to present yourself prominently here.

Newsletter BGFL WEEKLY
The free newsletter BGFL WEEKLY is published on Fridays. Here we present the best articles from boersengefluester.de (BGFL), interesting internals from the editorial team and links to our useful tools. A newsletter with a super high-quality distribution list.

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Tip: boersengefluester.de is a DDH.prime+ partner. We are pleased to offer prime members a discount on an annual subscription to DataSelect.