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Company analyses & market research
In this section you can access current publications from the area of company analyses and research. The analyses are written by renowned companies and reflect their assessments with regard to the development of listed companies.

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GBC AG: Defence Therapeutics Inc.: Kaufen

Original-Research: Defence Therapeutics Inc. - von GBC AG Einstufung von GBC AG zu Defence Therapeutics Inc. Unternehmen: Defence Therapeutics Inc. ISIN: CA24463V1013 Anlass der Studie: Researchstudie (Initial Coverage) Empfehlung: Kaufen Kursziel: 11,02 CAD (7,06 EUR) Kursziel auf Sicht von: 31.12.2022 Letzte Ratingänderung: Analyst: Julien Desrosiers, Cosmin Filker Einzigartig positioniert mit vielseitigem ACCUM(TM); Enormes Aufwärtspotenzial; Die nächste Generation der Krebsbehandlung - Proprietäre Plattformtechnologie mit nachweislich verbesserter intrazellulärer Verabreichung. Fördert die Bereitstellung des Zielprodukts ohne unspezifischen Protein-/Antigenabbau oder Interferenzen. - Große Vielseitigkeit der Accum(TM)-Plattform. Das Unternehmen hat vielversprechende präklinische Ergebnisse in elf verschiedenen Indikationen mit unterschiedlichen Anwendungen in ADCs, Krebsimpfstoffen und ID-Impfstoffen veröffentlicht. - Einzigartig positioniert. Die Accum(TM)-Technologie ist die nächste Generation der Krebsbehandlung. - Enormes Potenzial nach oben. Alle aktuellen Forschungsarbeiten sind präklinisch und haben bemerkenswerte Ergebnisse gezeigt. - Wachstumschancen. Das Unternehmen ist noch lange nicht so weit, das volle Potenzial der Accum(TM)-Technologie zu erschließen. - Attraktive Kapitalstruktur. Das Unternehmen hat nur 47,0 Mio. Aktien, die vollständig verwässert sind. - Gut finanziert. Das Unternehmen verfügt derzeit über genügend Barmittel, um die geplanten Phase-I-Studien abzuschließen. - Starkes und umfangreiches erfahrenes Team in den Bereichen Präklinik/ Klinik, Geschäftsentwicklung, CMC und Zulassung. - Wichtige Meilensteine, die innerhalb der nächsten 6-12 Monate erreicht werden sollen, mit vielen laufenden GLP-Studien und der geplanten Einreichung von Phase-I-Studien für Melanom und Brustkrebs. - Flexibles Geschäftsmodell: Von Lizenzgebühren über JVs bis hin zur vollständigen Entwicklung. Die Accum(TM)-Technologie ermöglicht ein optimiertes Geschäftsmodell für jede Indikation und mögliche kurzfristige Einnahmen. - Auf der Grundlage unseres DCF-Modells haben wir ein Kursziel von 11,02 CAD (7,60 EUR) pro Aktie ermittelt und vergeben das Rating KAUFEN. Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: Kontakt für Rückfragen GBC AG Halderstraße 27 86150 Augsburg 0821 / 241133 0 ++++++++++++++++ Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR. Beim oben analysierten Unternehmen ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: (5a,5b,6a,7,11); Einen Katalog möglicher Interessenkonflikte finden Sie unter: +++++++++++++++ Datum und Zeitpunkt Fertigstellung der Studie (engl.): 09.02.22 (21:32 Uhr) Datum und Zeitpunkt erste Weitergabe (engl.): 10.02.22 (11:00 Uhr) Datum und Zeitpunkt Fertigstellung der Studie (deutsch): 14.02.22 (17:08 Uhr) Datum und Zeitpunkt erste Weitergabe (deutsch): 15.02.22 (10:00 Uhr) -------------------übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.------------------- Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung bzw. Research ist alleine der Herausgeber bzw. Ersteller der Studie verantwortlich. Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte.

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GBC AG: Defence Therapeutics Inc.: BUY

Original-Research: Defence Therapeutics Inc. - von GBC AG Einstufung von GBC AG zu Defence Therapeutics Inc. Unternehmen: Defence Therapeutics Inc. ISIN: CA24463V1013 Anlass der Studie: Company presentation Empfehlung: BUY Kursziel: 11.02 CAD (7.06 EUR) Kursziel auf Sicht von: 31.12.2022 Letzte Ratingänderung: - Analyst: Julien Desrosiers, Cosmin Filker Upcoming Investor Event: Defence Therapeutics to present at digital International Investment Forum (IIF) On February 17, the IIF International Investment Forum will take place. At this forum, Defence Therapeutics Inc. will also present its business model and current business development. Presentation slot: Defence Therapeutics Inc. 08.00 am EST (New York, Toronto time) 02.00 pm CET (Frankfurt, Paris time) 09.00 pm HKT (HongKong, Perth, Singapore time) Speaker: Sébastien Plouffe, CEO The International Investment Forum (IIF) is a live, digital-only event that provides access to publicly traded companies from the small- and mid-cap segments around the world. Speakers on February 17, 2022 will be board members of publicly traded companies from the technology, commodities, security, medical, logistics and aerospace sectors. The program with schedule can be found at the following link: Registrations for this event and Defence Therapeutics ' presentation are available at the following link: WN_fM2DLtC_S7eMzHfL7uYamA Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: Kontakt für Rückfragen GBC AG Halderstraße 27 86150 Augsburg 0821 / 241133 0 ++++++++++++++++ Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR. Beim oben analysierten Unternehmen ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: (5a,6a,7,11); Einen Katalog möglicher Interessenkonflikte finden Sie unter: +++++++++++++++ Zeitpunkt der Fertigstellung: 11.02.2022, 10:00 Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung: 14.02.2022, 11:00 -------------------übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.------------------- Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung bzw. Research ist alleine der Herausgeber bzw. Ersteller der Studie verantwortlich. Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte.

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Original-Research: Cogia AG - von GBC AG Einstufung von GBC AG zu Cogia AG Unternehmen: Cogia AG ISIN: DE000A3H2226 Anlass der Studie: Company presentation Empfehlung: BUY Kursziel: 3.72 EUR Kursziel auf Sicht von: 31.12.2022 Letzte Ratingänderung: Analyst: Matthias Greiffenberger; Felix Haugg Upcoming Investor Event: Cogia to present at digital International Investment Forum (IIF) On February 17, the IIF International Investment Forum will take place. At this forum, Cogia AG will also present its business model and current business development. Presentation slot: Cogia AG (ISIN: DE000A3H2226) 10.30 am EST (New York, Toronto time) 04.30 pm CET (Frankfurt, Paris time) 11.30 am HKT (Hong Kong, Perth, Singapore time) Speaker: Pascal Lauria, CEO The International Investment Forum (IIF) is a live, digital-only event that provides access to publicly traded companies from the small- and mid-cap segments around the world. Speakers on February 17, 2022 will be board members of publicly traded companies from the technology, commodities, security, medical, logistics and aerospace sectors. The program with schedule can be found at the following link: Registrations for this event and Cogia' presentation are available at the following link: WN_fM2DLtC_S7eMzHfL7uYamA Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: Kontakt für Rückfragen GBC AG Halderstraße 27 86150 Augsburg 0821 / 241133 0 ++++++++++++++++ Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR Beim oben analysierten Unternehmen ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: (5a,11); Einen Katalog möglicher Interessenkonflikte finden Sie unter: +++++++++++++++ Zeitpunkt der Fertigstellung: 11.02.2022, 10:00 Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung: 12.02.2022, 11:00 -------------------übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.------------------- Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung bzw. Research ist alleine der Herausgeber bzw. Ersteller der Studie verantwortlich. Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte.

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GBC AG: Saturn Oil & Gas Inc.: Kaufen

Original-Research: Saturn Oil & Gas Inc. - von GBC AG Einstufung von GBC AG zu Saturn Oil & Gas Inc. Unternehmen: Saturn Oil & Gas Inc. ISIN: CA80412L8832 Anlass der Studie: Company presentation Empfehlung: Kaufen Kursziel: 12.17 CAD Kursziel auf Sicht von: 31.12.2022 Letzte Ratingänderung: Analyst: Julien Desrosiers; Felix Haugg Upcoming Investor Event: Saturn Oil + Gas to present at digital International Investment Forum (IIF) On February 17, the IIF International Investment Forum will take place. At this forum, Saturn Oil + Gas will also present its business model and current business development. Presentation slot: Saturn Oil + Gas Inc. (ISIN: CA80412L8832) 11.15 am EST (New York, Toronto time) 05.15 pm CET (Frankfurt, Paris time) 12.15 am HKT (Hong Kong, Perth, Singapore time) Speaker: John Jeffrey, CEO The International Investment Forum (IIF) is a live, digital-only event that provides access to publicly traded companies from the small- and mid-cap segments around the world. Speakers on February 17, 2022 will be board members of publicly traded companies from the technology, commodities, security, medical, logistics and aerospace sectors. The program with schedule can be found at the following link: Registrations for this event and Saturn Oil + Gas' presentation are available at the following link: WN_fM2DLtC_S7eMzHfL7uYamA Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: Kontakt für Rückfragen GBC AG Halderstraße 27 86150 Augsburg 0821 / 241133 0 +++++++++++++++ Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR. Beim oben analysierten Unternehmen ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: (5a,6a,7,11); Einen Katalog möglicher Interessenkonflikte finden Sie unter: +++++++++++++++ Zeitpunkt der Fertigstellung: 11.02.2022, 10:00 Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung: 11.02.2022, 11:00 -------------------übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.------------------- Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung bzw. Research ist alleine der Herausgeber bzw. Ersteller der Studie verantwortlich. Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte.

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GBC AG: Cardiol Therapeutics Inc.: 17.49 CAD

Original-Research: Cardiol Therapeutics Inc. - von GBC AG Einstufung von GBC AG zu Cardiol Therapeutics Inc. Unternehmen: Cardiol Therapeutics Inc. ISIN: CA14161Y2006 Anlass der Studie: Company presentation Empfehlung: 17.49 CAD Kursziel: BUY Kursziel auf Sicht von: 31.12.2022 Letzte Ratingänderung: - Analyst: Julien Desrosiers; Felix Haugg Upcoming Investor Event: Cardiol Therapeutics to present at digital International Investment Forum (IIF) On February 17, the IIF International Investment Forum will take place. At this forum, Cardiol Therapeutics will also present its business model and current business development. Presentation slot: Cardiol Therapeutics Inc. (ISIN: CA14161Y2006) 09.00 am EST (New York, Toronto time) 03.00 pm CET (Frankfurt, Paris time) 10.00 pm HKT (Hong Kong, Perth, Singapore time) Speaker: David Elsley, CEO The International Investment Forum (IIF) is a live, digital-only event that provides access to publicly traded companies from the small- and mid-cap segments around the world. Speakers on February 17, 2022 will be board members of publicly traded companies from the technology, commodities, security, medical, logistics and aerospace sectors. The program with schedule can be found at the following link: Registrations for this event and Cardiol Therapeutics' presentation are available at the following link: WN_fM2DLtC_S7eMzHfL7uYamA Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: Kontakt für Rückfragen GBC AG Halderstraße 27 86150 Augsburg 0821 / 241133 0 +++++++++++++++ Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR. Beim oben analysierten Unternehmen ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: (5a,6a,7,11); Einen Katalog möglicher Interessenkonflikte finden Sie unter: +++++++++++++++ Datum (Zeitpunkt) der Fertigstellung: 10.02.2022 (11:00 Uhr) Datum (Zeitpunkt) der ersten Weitergabe: 10.02.2021 (12:20 Uhr) -------------------übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.------------------- Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung bzw. Research ist alleine der Herausgeber bzw. Ersteller der Studie verantwortlich. Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte.

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GBC AG: Defence Therapeutics Inc.: BUY

Original-Research: Defence Therapeutics Inc. - von GBC AG Einstufung von GBC AG zu Defence Therapeutics Inc. Unternehmen: Defence Therapeutics Inc. ISIN: CA24463V1013 Anlass der Studie: Research Report (Initial Coverage) Empfehlung: BUY Kursziel: 11,02 CAD (7,06 EUR) Kursziel auf Sicht von: 31.12.2022 Letzte Ratingänderung: Analyst: Julien Desrosiers, Cosmin Filker Uniquely Positioned with versatile ACCUM(TM); Enormous upside potential; Next generation of cancer treatment - Proprietary platform technology with proven enhanced intracellular delivery. Promotes delivery of target product without non-specific protein/antigen degradation or interference. - Strong versatility of the Accum(TM) platform. The company has published promising pre-clinical results in eleven different indications with various applications in ADCs, Cancer Vaccines, and ID Vaccines. - Uniquely positioned. Accum(TM) technology is the next generation of cancer treatment. - Massive upside potential. All their current research is pre-clinical and have shown remarkable results. - Growth opportunity. The company is far from done unlocking the full potential of Accum(TM) technology. - Attractive capital structure. The company has only 47.0M shares fully diluted - Well financed. The company has currently enough cash on hand to complete their planned Phase I studies. - Strong and Extensive experienced team in pre-clinical/clinical, business development, CMC and regulatory. - Major milestones to be achieved within the next 6-12 months with many GLP ongoing studies and planned filing of Phase I studies for both Melanoma and breast cancer. - Flexible business model: From royalties to JVs or full development. Accum(TM) technology allows for an optimized business model for each indication and possible near-term revenues. - Based on our DCF model we have determine a price target of 11.02 CAD (7.60 EUR) per share and a BUY rating. Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: Kontakt für Rückfragen GBC AG Halderstraße 27 86150 Augsburg 0821 / 241133 0 ++++++++++++++++ Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR. Beim oben analysierten Unternehmen ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: (5a,5b,6a,7,11); Einen Katalog möglicher Interessenkonflikte finden Sie unter: +++++++++++++++ Date and time of completion of the study: 09/02/2022 (9:32 pm) Date and time of first transmission: 10/02/2022 (11:00 am) -------------------übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.------------------- Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung bzw. Research ist alleine der Herausgeber bzw. Ersteller der Studie verantwortlich. Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte.

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GBC AG: MagForce AG: GBC Management Interview

Original-Research: MagForce AG - von GBC AG Einstufung von GBC AG zu MagForce AG Unternehmen: MagForce AG ISIN: DE000A0HGQF5 Anlass der Studie: GBC Management Interview Empfehlung: GBC Management Interview Letzte Ratingänderung: Analyst: Cosmin Filker In the past fiscal year 2021, MagForce AG made progress in both business segments. Of particular note here is the approval granted by the FDA for the start of Stage 2b for the treatment of prostate cancer patients. This means that the pivotal study could be concluded as early as summer 2022. In parallel, the treatment capacities for the indication glioblastoma are to be expanded in Europe. GBC analyst Cosmin Filker spoke to MagForce CEO Dr Ben Lipps about the latest development: Cosmin Filker: In December 2021, you reported that patient recruitment for Stage 2b is successfully underway. What is the current status on this? Dr Ben Lipps: Yes, that is correct. We are thrilled, that the first men have been enrolled and the patient recruitment is proceeding well. Let me elaborate on this: In November we received FDA approval to initiate Stage 2b with the final study protocol. This was a necessary pre-condition to also receive the green light from the ethics committees ('Institutional Review Board', IRB) in the respective states to proceed with the study at each center. In preparation for Stage 2b, we already pre-identified eligible patients in the areas around the treatment centers owned and operated by MagForce so that we could start the trial immediately. With both FDA and IRB approvals having been granted, those pre-selected candidates are currently being invited into the clinics for updated testing and preparations and for official recruitment into the study. In addition, we are of course continuing screening activities. We are looking to enroll men with intermediate risk prostate cancer that has progressed to a stage where a clinical review and treatment change is required. We were very pleased that the strong interest in enrollment, which we also saw during the previous stages of the study from prostate cancer patients and their attending physicians remains strong. This reflects the high medical need in this indication and continues to encourage our confidence in the potential of a well-tolerated and effective treatment option for prostate cancer. Our approach could significantly change the way prostate cancer is treated, as it allows for a less invasive, less aggressive treatment modality that could cure the cancer or, at a minimum, reduce a patient's chances of needing a more definitive treatment in the future. Cosmin Filker: When can the first results be expected and do you still consider the timetable, according to which the completion of the study is expected for summer of 2022, to be up-to-date? Dr Ben Lipps: Indeed, based on the current plan and conditions set out by the FDA, we target to finish patient treatments in late summer 2022. In parallel, we will submit interim data packages at 15 and 30 patients treated for FDA review, whilst treatments continue. These packages will be updated and submitted for approval after trial completion. As studies such as ours require face to face interaction, the spread of the new COVID-19 virus variants and a surge in diagnosed cases over the winter months also had an effect on our recruitment. Fortunately, the structure we implemented in the U.S., where our centers for the focal treatment of prostate cancer are set-up as stand-alone units, independently from hospitals, enables us to conduct the clinical registration study despite COVID-19. Because cancer does not halt in the face of the pandemic - and neither do we. To further mitigate any pandemic impacts and accelerate the process, we have contracted additional urological practices - so-called reference centers - in proximity to our study sites in Florida, Texas and Washington. Two of this practices are already actively screening patients with the onboarding process for the third practice currently underway. All reference centers run own Active Surveillance programs and will screen their respective patient base for eligible subjects, i.e. men diagnosed with lowintermediate risk and intermediate-high risk prostate cancer for which a clinical review and treatment change is required. Following screening, the patients will be referred to MagForce, and we will be handling the study recruitment and treatment process. So, all in all, we are confident that we can proceed in a swift and timely manner with the patient treatments of Stage 2b. Cosmin Filker: Once FDA approval is granted, how soon could you start commercial treatments? Dr Ben Lipps: We expect to start commercialization immediately upon FDA approval. This might seem ambitious at first glance, but the way we have set-up our study was specifically aimed at supporting a seamless transition. To avoid delays between approval and start of commercial treatments, we decided to conduct the clinical study at centers owned and operated by MagForce. This way the Focal Cancer Treatment Centers are already established and operational once the study concludes with staff well-versed in the therapy and treatment. Our strategy is to continue to operate those stand-alone Focal Cancer Treatment Centers as this will allow MagForce USA to bill for the entire procedure, including the instillation of the nanoparticles. Operating proprietary treatment sites enables MagForce to more efficiently utilize its devices and significantly increase revenue per patient. This should enable us to generate up to threefold revenues compared to just selling the NanoTherm particles. In addition to our current locations in San Antonio, Texas; Seattle, Washington; and Sarasota, Florida, which will be our immediate commercial locations, we plan to have additional proprietary treatment centers in place still in 2022. In subsequent years, we will continue to open up Focal Cancer Treatment Centers in strategic locations in the U.S. in order to treat patients locally. It is estimated that there were 209,500 new cases of prostate cancer in 2020 in the USA alone and despite advances in diagnosis and treatment options, an estimated 31,000 deaths occurred according to the American Society of Clinical Oncology. Our focal ablation approach targets patients who have progressed to intermediate prostate cancer stages and are under active surveillance. By destroying smaller cancer lesions, it is anticipated that patients will be able to remain in Active Surveillance programs and avoid, for as long as possible, definitive therapies such as surgery or whole gland radiation with their well-known side effects. The addressable market in the USA alone is worth USD 4.1 billion per year considering the revenue from the entire procedure. Cosmin Filker: Last year you signed a cooperation agreement with a Spanish clinic, so the European roll-out for glioblastoma treatment could gain momentum. When will the market entry take place here and which countries are still in focus? Dr Ben Lipps: The collaboration, you are referring to, is the partnership with Complejo Hospitalario Integral Privado - or CHIP - in Málaga, headed by the General Director Toni Serra together with the treating neurosurgeon Prof. Miguel Angel Arraez. We signed it in September last year. Spain is one of our initial target countries and the center's strategic location will allow access to our therapy for a large number of patients from Andalusia, further regions of Spain but also for patients from other countries abroad. The private clinic CHIP will be equipped with MagForce's 'plug-and-treat' solution - a mobile container fully operational with a pre-installed NanoActivator device. As you may know, as of May 2021, all European-based medical device manufacturers must comply with the requirements of the new Medical Device Regulation ('MDR'), which will subsequently require new MDR certification for each of the devices that are part of our NanoTherm Therapy system. We expect to be among the first companies to deploy devices under the new MDR certificate in the first half of 2022. Subject to all inspections and permissions by local authorities being granted, we expect commercial treatments to start in the second half of 2022. To add to Germany, Spain and our very active center in Poland, our next focus country will be Italy. There we also received high interest through clinics who would like to start with the NanoTherm Therapy system. Additionally, we saw a significant rise in patient inquiries from Italy, as a result of pursuit for further therapy options to treat glioblastoma. However, we have to note that especially in Europe and the indication glioblastoma, the pandemic continues to have a negative impact on our work. The situation in hospitals remains tense and patients still avoid going to the clinics as long as they can for fear of a Covid-19 infection, unfortunately. We are, of course, continuing discussions with other potential locations. In Austria and Germany as well as Italy, advanced negotiations with potential partners are ongoing. However, the respective hospitals have more pressing problems at the moment. Nevertheless, I hope and believe it is quite realistic that we will be able to announce further cooperation agreements this year. Beyond further partnerships we are always looking at utilizing existing capacities in the best possible way. This includes agreements with public and private clinics in the surrounding areas of our partner hospitals. The model could be, in a nutshell, that the local clinics instill patients with our NanoTherm particles and then transfer them to the next treatment center with a NanoTherm device. This way, with one device per region, considerably more patients can receive treatment, without the need to install additional devices. Cosmin Filker: Can you briefly outline the topic of reimbursement by insurance providers? Currently, so-called Investigator-Initiated Trials (IIT) are taking place. Dr Ben Lipps: Reimbursement by healthcare systems of course is an important factor and remains a top priority for us. We are continuously working with experts on solutions for efficient reimbursement processes, both for patients treated in Germany and abroad. In Germany for example, private patients are currently reimbursed, while public insurances usually cover the treatment costs on a case-by-case request. All patient data collected and filed with our European registry will be used to support budget negotiations with health insurance providers. The Investigator Initiated Trials, or short IIT, you are referring to, are trials initiated and managed by the hospitals themselves, meaning they are responsible for the legal and regulatory aspects of the trial. While MagForce is not directly involved as a sponsor, we of course support our partners in every way and also benefit from the results. Both in Poland and Spain, those IITs will support patient reimbursement. The trial at SPSK4 in Lublin is currently underway and has produced encouraging interim data that was presented at two prestigious conferences last year: the 45th Congress of Polish Neurosurgeons in Cracow, Poland and the Congress of Neurological Surgeons 2021 in Austin, Texas, USA. The data will be used to apply to the Agency for Health Technology Assessment and Tariff System in Poland for the reimbursement of NanoTherm therapy as a supplementary treatment. Cosmin Filker: Finally, a question for investors with a long-term investment horizon. Where do you see MagForce AG in five years' time? Dr Ben Lipps: In five years' time, MagForce will have a fully set-up commercial operation in the US for prostate cancer with full reimbursement. We envision to have a number of strategically positioned centers across the US to provide broad access to patients. By 2027 MagForce should have some 30 centers in the country. Depending on how many shifts are run at each center, they could generate 10m USD of revenues each on average. This would result in US revenues of approx. 300m USD at an EBITDA margin of approx. 60 percent. In Europe the roll-out will have continued for the treatment of glioblastoma, also providing good geographical coverage with reimbursement set up in most relevant countries and patient treatments far exceeding the approximate break-even point. In addition, MagForce will likely have started to look at further cancer indications by then, including bringing the prostate cancer treatment over to Europe as well as the glioblastoma treatment to the US. Cosmin Filker: Dr Lipps, thank you for the interview. Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: Kontakt für Rückfragen GBC AG Halderstraße 27 86150 Augsburg 0821 / 241133 0 ++++++++++++++++ Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR. Beim oben analysierten Unternehmen ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: (5a,5b,11); Einen Katalog möglicher Interessenkonflikte finden Sie unter: +++++++++++++++ Date (time) of completion: 09/02/2022 (12:30 pm) Date (time) of first distribution: 09/02/2022 (1:30 pm) -------------------übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.------------------- Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung bzw. Research ist alleine der Herausgeber bzw. Ersteller der Studie verantwortlich. Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte.

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GBC AG: Saturn Oil & Gas Inc.: BUY

Original-Research: Saturn Oil & Gas Inc. - von GBC AG Einstufung von GBC AG zu Saturn Oil & Gas Inc. Unternehmen: Saturn Oil & Gas Inc. ISIN: CA80412L8832 Anlass der Studie: Research Report - Corporate site visit Empfehlung: BUY Kursziel: 12.17 CAD Kursziel auf Sicht von: 31.12.2022 Letzte Ratingänderung: - Analyst: Julien Desrosiers; Felix Haugg Oxbow facilities We had the chance to visit the newly acquired Oxbow Asset in September 2021. The site visit included a complete tour and presentation of new management as well as a trip to production assets, pads, facilities and an introduction to many employees and contractual companies. The assets visited were located in a fairly concentrated area around the small town of Carlyle. We also engaged with the local community to understand their perception of the company and their arrival in their community. We were impressed with the quality of the assets acquired. The infrastructure is in pristine condition which held true for every single site we visited. We previously described the assets as: The infrastructure that will be acquired by Saturn has a strong history of upkeep and maintenance by the previous owner and does not require any major upgrades or refurbishments. We can now confirm that this is not only correct but the quality of the assets and especially maintenance exceeded our expectations. The news of the acquisition was well received in the region. This asset was not considered core by the previous owners and, even if they had maintained all equipment, facilities, and infrastructure in the best condition, they had not injected additional development capital for a long time. Therefore, the new blood injected into the region by Saturn Oil & Gas was much welcomed and the comments we heard were only positive. The local community has a strong agricultural as well as oil and gas background and both sectors usually fit easily with one another to form coherent economic development. The steady income for farmers of the lease of a small part of their land to oil companies complements their volatile revenues from their main activity. The community seems to be looking forward to more capital spending in their region and the employees that are now under new management seemed to have very precise and efficient strategies to maximize the potential of this asset. As core values of investors are more and more driven by sustainability, we were very pleased to assess in person the support of the local community towards Saturn Oil & Gas-from employees and various stakeholders to community members. They seem to desire far more development and capital injection in their area and are ready to take active steps in this direction. One can expect that thousands of producing wells and additional assets would require heavy manpower to maintain. However, nothing could be farther from the truth. In total, Saturn Oil & Gas now has 45 field employees in Saskatchewan that report to two superintendents and one operations manager who reports directly to the CEO. As most of the wells are connected to a pipeline system, the assets are also very low maintenance. As a result, the company is able to maintain a lean management structure, increase cost efficiency and run their operations better than before. The Oxbow asset workers have been working on those fields for years, if not decades. They are very well versed technically as well as on the specifics of these oil fields. Therefore, they do not constitute a dilution in the company's talent pool but rather an increase in their human capital. The company is using Afti' Watchdog technology at many of their production sites and have initiated a full rollout. This technology allows Saturn Oil & Gas to monitor their wells 24/7 with a webcam live feed. During our site visit, we had the chance to witness the details and result analyses and reports that this product generates. We are convinced that this is a revolutionary product and Saturn Oil & Gas, as early adopters of this technology, will benefit greatly from it. Firstly, it will be beneficial to limit environmental issues that could arise at the wells by decreasing the time between a possible leak and human intervention. Secondly, it allows the company to monitor their operations with different electronic sensors at a completely new level. Thirdly, in case of an incident, the well can be shut down remotely. This will further increase the efficiency of their team given that most physical and visual inspection will be able to be conducted remotely. This means that there is less time spent driving to inspect operations sites, fewer emissions and fewer accidents. This will further add to the lean structure and low operation costs of the company. At minimal cost, we believe that the company added a massive protection layer onto their operations. Once again, Saturn Oil & Gas has shown their level of commitment to their assets and core sustainability values. Note: The full report was published on December 21st 2021 and can be found here: Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: Kontakt für Rückfragen GBC AG Halderstraße 27 86150 Augsburg 0821 / 241133 0 +++++++++++++++ Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR. Beim oben analysierten Unternehmen ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: (5a,6a,7,11); Einen Katalog möglicher Interessenkonflikte finden Sie unter: +++++++++++++++ Time of completion: 01.02.2022, 17:15 Time of publication: 02.02.2022, 10:30 -------------------übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.------------------- Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung bzw. Research ist alleine der Herausgeber bzw. Ersteller der Studie verantwortlich. Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte.

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Original-Research: Cogia AG - von GBC AG Einstufung von GBC AG zu Cogia AG Unternehmen: Cogia AG ISIN: DE000A3H2226 Anlass der Studie: Research Comment Empfehlung: BUY Kursziel: 3.72 EUR Kursziel auf Sicht von: 31.12.2022 Letzte Ratingänderung: - Analyst: Matthias Greiffenberger; Felix Haugg Preliminary results significantly above forecast, price target confirmed On January 21, 2022, Cogia AG published its preliminary figures for the 2021 financial year and the figures presented exceed the GBC analysts' forecasts. A total output of EUR 1.7 million was achieved in the group, which corresponds to almost a threefold increase (previous year: EUR 0.59 million)., which was acquired in September, made a corresponding contribution to the total operating performance. According to management, the integration was very successful and the results are in line with the planning. EBITDA amounted to approx. EUR 0.26 million with an EBITDA margin of approx. 21%. Thus, in our opinion, sales should be around EUR 1.24 million. Consequently, the company was well above our forecasts of EUR 1.05 million in revenue (preliminary figures approx. EUR 1.24 million) and EBITDA of EUR 0.07 million (preliminary figures EUR 0.26 million). The EBITDA margin was also significantly above our expectations (previous figures 21%). The dynamic growth strategy was confirmed, with the aim of continuing to grow both organically and inorganically. Financing is to be provided by equity and debt capital. A revaluation on the part of GBC will take place with the publication of the annual report. The presented figures show that the high growth rate can be achieved with a good EBITDA margin. We confirm our price target of EUR 3.72 until the publication of the annual report and continue to assign a Buy rating against the background of the very high upside potential. Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: Kontakt für Rückfragen GBC AG Halderstraße 27 86150 Augsburg 0821 / 241133 0 ++++++++++++++++ Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR Beim oben analysierten Unternehmen ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: (5a,11); Einen Katalog möglicher Interessenkonflikte finden Sie unter: +++++++++++++++ Time of completion: 01.02.2022 14:00 Time of publication: 02.02.2022 10:00 Validity of the target price: until max. 31.12.2022 -------------------übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.------------------- Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung bzw. Research ist alleine der Herausgeber bzw. Ersteller der Studie verantwortlich. Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte.

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Original-Research: HAEMATO AG - von GBC AG Einstufung von GBC AG zu HAEMATO AG Unternehmen: HAEMATO AG ISIN: DE000A289VV1 Anlass der Studie: Research Comment Empfehlung: Buy Kursziel: 50.10 EUR Kursziel auf Sicht von: 31.12.2022 Letzte Ratingänderung: Analyst: Cosmin Filker; Marcel Goldmann PCR PoC-Device added to the product portfolio; revenue and earnings forecasts unchanged, upside potential anticipated from new products, price target and BUY rating confirmed In our last management interview ( on the current developments of HAEMATO AG, the CEO Patrick Brenske had announced the addition of a mobile PCR workstation to the product portfolio. On 14.01.2022, the company has now officially informed about the market launch of the PCR Point-of-Care device distributed by the subsidiary HAEMATO Pharm GmbH. With this device, PCR corona tests can be carried out directly on site within 45 minutes, close to the patient. Until now, the samples had to be collected centrally and passed on to external evaluation laboratories for the test procedure, which is currently classified as the so-called gold standard. Since the evaluation of the PCR rapid test takes place directly on site, this lengthy process is no longer necessary. According to the company, the test evaluation can also be carried out by instructed personnel. With this product, the company addresses a relevant problem, especially in view of the current omicron wave. Recently, the scarcity of PCR test capacities has become more and more obvious and as a consequence, the evaluation of the pandemic situation could become increasingly less meaningful. In this respect, a high demand can be assumed. According to the company, the first devices have been delivered to pharmacies and test centres. The additional revenue and profit contributions from the sale of the PCR device are difficult to quantify and we therefore consider them as possible upside potential. In addition, the HAEMATO management has resumed the Corona rapid test business, which was discontinued in the summer, due to the high demand. This could also generate additional revenue and earnings contributions in the current financial year. We are maintaining our previous sales and earnings forecasts unchanged. In the last published research study (see study of 8 September 2021), we adjusted the forecasts for the past financial year 2021 to the company guidance. With the nine-month figures published in November 2021, HAEMATO AG has confirmed the guidance, according to which consolidated revenue of between EUR 280 and 300 million and EBIT of between EUR 9 and 11 million should be achieved. In the first nine months of 2021, revenues of EUR216.6 million (PY: EUR175.6 million) and EBIT of EUR8.6 million (PY: EUR 1.8 million) were generated and the company is thus well on track to achieve the forecasts. We also maintain our estimates for the financial years 2022 and 2023, according to which we expect a visible growth in turnover and an improvement in profitability. After the possible discontinuation of test sales, HAEMATO AG should generate additional business both in the trading business and in the area of 'aesthetic medicine'. An important aspect of this is their start-up of the own-brand business with special products for the field of aesthetic medicine. An example of this is the exclusive supply and licence agreement concluded with the South Korean company Huons BioPharma at the end of 2021 for the supply of botulinum toxin products. In the traditional specialty pharmaceuticals trading segment, the focus on higher-margin products such as biosimilars or biopharmaceuticals should also have a positive margin effect. We keep our price target of EUR50.10 unchanged and continue to assign a BUY rating. Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: Kontakt für Rückfragen GBC AG Halderstraße 27 86150 Augsburg 0821 / 241133 0 ++++++++++++++++ Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR Beim oben analysierten Unternehmen ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: (4,5a,6a,7,11); Einen Katalog möglicher Interessenkonflikte finden Sie unter: +++++++++++++++ Date (time) Completion: 27.01.22 (3:51 pm) Date (time) first transmission: 28.01.22 (09:30 am) -------------------übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.------------------- Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung bzw. Research ist alleine der Herausgeber bzw. Ersteller der Studie verantwortlich. Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte.

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GBC AG: Defence Therapeutics Inc.: -

Original-Research: Defence Therapeutics Inc. - von GBC AG Einstufung von GBC AG zu Defence Therapeutics Inc. Unternehmen: Defence Therapeutics Inc. ISIN: CA24463V1013 Anlass der Studie: Research Comment Empfehlung: - Kursziel: - Letzte Ratingänderung: Analyst: Julien Desrosiers, Cosmin Filker GBC Research Watchlist: Defence Therapeutics Defence Therapeutics is led by Sebastien Plouffe. Mr. Plouffe has been a successful Investment Advisor and CEO notably in the resource sector, leading several junior companies to profitable exits. Mr. Plouffe is supported by Dr. Moutih Rafei, VP R&D and Dr. Simon Beaudoin CTSO. Dr. Rafei is a world-renowned Immuno-Oncologist and Dr. Beaudoin is the coinventor of the ACCUMTM-Technology. The Company board also includes high profile specialists such as Dr. Sarkis Meterissian, world renowned oncologist, Director of the Breast Center of the MUHC and MUHC Head of the Tumor Site Group and Dr. Raimar Löbenberg Founder and Director of the Drug Development and Innovation Centre (University of Alberta). Because The Company can attach most molecules to ACCUM and possibly enhance intracellular delivery, the potential applications of their molecule are extremely diverse. The company is currently developing five distinct products, all leveraging their ACCUMTM-Technology. All are currently in Pre-Clinical or Discovery phases. They have all shown tremendous potential in rodent and non-rodent animal models. Antibody-drug conjugates (ADC) are one of the fastest growing anticancer drugs. This approach comprises a mAb conjugated to the cytotoxic payload via a chemical linker that directed toward a target antigen expressed on the cancer cell surface, reducing systemic exposure and therefore toxicity. ADCs are complex molecules that require careful attention to various components. Selection of an appropriate target, an mAb, cytotoxic payload, and the way the antibody is linked to the payload are key determinants of the safety and efficacy of ADCs. One of the major and most common encounters for successful development of vaccine and ADC's are the antigen/ADC degradation in the target cell endosomes. The drug developer has then two options: increase the dosage, which results in increased side effects or keep the dosage untouched with the consequence of a less than expected efficiency. These two scenarios can lead directly to FDA denial. The ACCUMTM platform, developed by Defence Therapeutics aims directly at tackling this issue. Solving the limited nucleus delivery hurdle would have a profonde effect for the ADC drug development sector leading to possible approval of already declined ADCs or increased probabilities of approval for new ones. The sum of all these attributes puts the ACCUMTM Technology at the center of future cancer treatment including the design of enhanced ADCs and therapeutic vaccines. We are currently working on the Initial Coverage of Defence Therapeutics, which is coming soon. Based on this, we will start ongoing coverage on Defence Therapeutics as we believe now is the ideal time to show the valuation potential in this growth story. The company has already referred to several important upcoming milestones that could be included in our research report. Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: Kontakt für Rückfragen GBC AG Halderstraße 27 86150 Augsburg 0821 / 241133 0 ++++++++++++++++ Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR Beim oben analysierten Unternehmen ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: (5a,11); Einen Katalog möglicher Interessenkonflikte finden Sie unter: +++++++++++++++ Date (time) Completion: 21/01/22 (11:12 am) Date (time) first transmissi-on: 24/01/22 (11:00 am) -------------------übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.------------------- Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung bzw. Research ist alleine der Herausgeber bzw. Ersteller der Studie verantwortlich. Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte.

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Original-Research: The NAGA Group AG - von GBC AG Einstufung von GBC AG zu The NAGA Group AG Unternehmen: The NAGA Group AG ISIN: DE000A161NR7 Anlass der Studie: Research Comment Empfehlung: BUY Kursziel: 12.75 EUR Kursziel auf Sicht von: 31.12.2022 Letzte Ratingänderung: Analyst: Cosmin Filker Strong revenue and earnings growth in 2021; guidance for 2022 significantly above our expectations; estimates and share price target raised According to preliminary figures for the past financial year 2021, The NAGA Group AG (short to: NAGA) achieved significant revenue growth as expected. Compared to the previous year, consolidated sales more than doubled to EUR 55.3 million (previous year: EUR 24.35 million), thus exceeding both the original guidance (sales guidance: EUR 50 - 52 million) and our sales estimates (GBC forecast: EUR 54.06 million). The preliminary EBITDA of EUR 12.8 million (previous year: EUR 6.57 million) also showed a significant increase. However, as the deliberate investments in customer growth led to higher marketing expenses, the preliminary EBITDA was slightly below the original EBITDA guidance (EUR 13 - 15 million) and below our estimate (GBC forecast: EUR 14.39 million). As expected, the company not only benefited from the favourable market conditions for online brokers, but also from the implemented focus on the core business and the expanded marketing activities contributed to the success. Overall, the trading volume doubled from EUR 121 billion (2020) to over EUR 250 million (2021) and the number of new customers increased significantly to 277,000 (previous year: 122,000). On the product side, for example, NAGA Pay was introduced to the market, which is intended to integrate customers more strongly into the NAGA product world. For the current financial year, the company has announced the introduction of new products in addition to the planned continuation of international expansion. In the first quarter of 2022, NAGAX, a new social trading platform with a focus on cryptocurrencies, is to be introduced to the market. According to its own information, every user contribution on the platform will be automatically converted into an NFT, which can be monetised. In addition, since the end of 2021, NAGA has been offering its technology to selected partner companies as part of a white label solution as a SaaS model. This is intended to generate further business. The financing of further customer growth, possible strategic acquisitions and further product development was significantly expanded by a financing round in November 2021. With the issue of around 4.25 million shares at a price of EUR 8.00, an additional EUR 34 million was raised. Growth capital of EUR 22.7 million was already raised in September 2021 as part of a capital increase. On this basis, the company published guidance for the current 2022 financial year for the first time in November 2021. Group turnover of EUR 95 to 105 million and EBITDA of between EUR 25 and 30 million are expected. Both figures are significantly above our previous forecast (see research report dated 8 November 2021). We are adjusting our estimates in line with the company's guidance and are thus significantly raising our revenue estimate to EUR 96.78 million (previously: EUR 81.10 million) and our EBITDA forecast to EUR 25.48 million (previously: EUR 16.99 million). Due to this higher basis, we are also raising our 2023 estimates. Within the framework of our DCF valuation model, this results in a new target price of EUR 12.75 (previously: EUR 11.70), taking into account the last capital increase. We continue to assign the BUY rating. Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: Kontakt für Rückfragen GBC AG Halderstrasse 27 86150 Augsburg 0821 / 241133 0 ++++++++++++++++ Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR. Beim oben analysierten Unternehmen ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: (5a,11); Einen Katalog möglicher Interessenkonflikte finden Sie unter: +++++++++++++++ Date (time) Completion: 18/01/22 (01:02 pm) Date (time) first transmission: 19/01/22 (09:30 am) -------------------übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.------------------- Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung bzw. Research ist alleine der Herausgeber bzw. Ersteller der Studie verantwortlich. Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte.

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GBC AG: Cryptology Asset Group PLC: BUY

Original-Research: Cryptology Asset Group PLC - von GBC AG Einstufung von GBC AG zu Cryptology Asset Group PLC Unternehmen: Cryptology Asset Group PLC ISIN: MT0001770107 Anlass der Studie: Managementinterview Empfehlung: BUY Kursziel: 18.35 EUR Kursziel auf Sicht von: 31/12/2022 Letzte Ratingänderung: Analyst: Felix Haugg, Julien Desrosiers Cryptology is a leading European holding company for crypto assets and blockchain companies. Cryptology Asset Group is a publicly traded investment company focused on crypto-assets and blockchain-based business models. For this purpose, Cryptology has a broad network of experts, including Christian Angermayer and Mike Novogratz, two of the most prominent faces in crypto, who are also among the founders and largest shareholders in the company. In the long term, the company aims to become Europe's leading holding company of the world's most successful crypto and blockchain companies. We spoke with the company's CEO Patrick Lowry about the outlook for crypto assets and the development of Cryptology Asset Group. GBC AG: Mr. Lowry, to start off, please give us a brief review of Cryptology Asset Group's developments in 2021. Patrick Lowry: I stepped in as the newly appointed Cryptology CEO in March 2021 with a vision to build the gateway for investors to enter the crypto asset class, leveraging Cryptology's infrastructure and balance sheet. I believe we have successfully created this gateway through Cryptology's publicly traded shares. Our shareholders participate directly in the development of the crypto ecosystem through our investments in exclusive blockchain companies such as B1 and Bullish as well as through the exciting developments of Northern Data, Iconic Funds and more crypto-native companies. We made multiple new investments into the likes of Chintai and even had exits, such as the NYDIG acquisition of our portfolio company, Bottlepay. We also announced we will be deploying $100 million into crypto funds as well, partnering with emerging managers to expand our dealflow and realize what I personally expect to be substantial financial returns. Looking back, I believe we were successfully able to realize my vision as through Cryptology shares, investors gain access to the crypto investment ecosystem in truly unprecedented ways. GBC AG: Your last investment was in VLaunch. Can you explain the reasons for this investment and tell us what you expect from the investment? Patrick Lowry: This year, Cryptology started to embrace more native crypto investments and began to deploy capital into the DeFi ecosystem. VLaunch is one of the most exciting projects in crypto today with easily the fastest growing community. The angle they are taking, leveraging a community of influencers in a DAO-esque model for a new token launch platform is revolutionary. We view this as a highly strategic investment as we plan to leverage the token launchpad to invest in the most innovative tokenized platforms coming through the launchpad GBC AG: Probably the most exciting project in Cryptology's portfolio at the moment is the Bullish platform. Recently, the Financial Services Commission (GFSC) of Gibraltar granted a license for the distributed ledger technology. What does this mean for Bullish and what are the next steps to become the world's largest crypto exchange? Patrick Lowry: I am excited for many of our portfolio companies, particularly Northern Data now that their tumultuous 2021 is behind it and the firm can move forward. But yes, all the focus of capital markets is zero'd in on B1's Bullish, and rightfully so. The IPO via SPAC seems to be imminent now that the platform itself is live. Bullish spent much of 2021 in a private Beta, and even permitted institutions to join in early December. While in Beta, Bullish realized well over $100 million daily trading volume on Bitcoin rather quickly, equating roughly 15-20% of the daily Bitcoin trading volume of Coinbase. In Mid-Dec., Bullish was rolled out to over 40 countries for all crypto investors. Bullish has a big year ahead of it in 2022, and I am. Bullish. on the platform! GBC AG: The year 2021 was an extremely successful year for cryptocurrencies, despite the Corona pandemic. In your view, have cryptocurrencies made the leap into the mainstream? Patrick Lowry: Crypto wasn't just successful despite the COVID pandemic. Crypto largely thrived because of the COVID pandemic, or more accurately said, our government's and central bank's irresponsible actions to combat the economic fallout of the COVID pandemic. The crypto community has been promoting Bitcoin as a 'digital store of value' for years, and in an era of infinitely printed fiat currency (USD/EUR), people finally understood the message and Bitcoin's value. Coupling this with the 2020 Bitcoin halving event, 2021 was literally a perfect storm of adoption for Bitcoin. From there, investors started diving down the rabbit hole and discovered ETH, EOS and other crypto assets that have their own unique value drivers. We are still in the first inning of adoption though, and I expect many, many big things in the coming months and years. GBC AG: In which areas do you think there will be no way around cryptocurrencies in the foreseeable future? Patrick Lowry: Crypto and the blockchain will touch literally every industrial, financial and general business vertical in the world. No industry will be safe, and everyone will inevitably adopt crypto/blockchain in their business model. Adoption is inevitable. GBC AG: The issue of sustainability/ESG is becoming increasingly important for investors. How do you take this into account and implement individual measures in your company and in your investments? Patrick Lowry: Cryptology is an investment holding company with a very small team. With little to no formal operations, I would expect our carbon footprint to be basically non-existent. With that said, we work hand-inhand with our portfolio companies and discuss their own ESG initiatives. For instance, Iconic Funds' Physically Backed Bitcoin ETP recently announced it had begun carbon offsetting for all the Bitcoin in the ETP through the purchase and holding of carbon credits. Northern Data is also working to be completely carbon neutral by 2030 for its mining and HPC operations. I believe our portfolio is working hard to be ESG-compliant industry leaders. Moving away from the 'E' of ESG though, there is still Social and Governance implications of ESG compliance. What excites me the most is the profound impact crypto will have on both elements. Crypto enables wealth generation in a way that is unprecedented, which will have nothing but a highly positive impact on society as individuals take control of their own assets. Further, the governance structures being developed by DAO's and quadratic voting systems, leveraging decentralized governance protocols through cryptographic technology, are revolutionizing governance and finally empowering organizations in a borderless, transparent and individualistic manner. In my view, crypto will soon be seen as far and away the most ESG compliant industry in the world. GBC AG: Finally, can you give us an assessment of how you think cryptocurrencies will develop in 2022? And what will be the main focus for Cryptology in the coming year? Patrick Lowry: Crypto is just getting warmed up. I expect 2022 to be a massively exciting year for Cryptology, our portfolio companies and our shareholders. We will continue to deliver on our vision of being the gateway for investors seeking exposure to the crypto ecosystem through our listed shares as well as continue to invest in and partner with the best and brightest entrepreneurs and investors in the crypto ecosystem. GBC AG: Patrick Lowry, thank you very much for the interview. Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: Kontakt für Rückfragen GBC AG Halderstraße 27 86150 Augsburg 0821 / 241133 0 +++++++++++++++ Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR. Beim oben analysierten Unternehmen ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: (5a,5b,6a,7,11); Einen Katalog möglicher Interessenkonflikte finden Sie unter: +++++++++++++++ Date (time) of completion of English version: 22/12/2021 (03.56 pm) Date (time) of first distribution of English version: 27/12/2021 (11:00 am) -------------------übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.------------------- Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung bzw. Research ist alleine der Herausgeber bzw. Ersteller der Studie verantwortlich. Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte.

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GBC AG: Saturn Oil & Gas Inc.: BUY

Original-Research: Saturn Oil & Gas Inc. - von GBC AG Einstufung von GBC AG zu Saturn Oil & Gas Inc. Unternehmen: Saturn Oil & Gas Inc. ISIN: CA80412L8832 Anlass der Studie: Research Report (Anno) Empfehlung: BUY Kursziel: 12.17 CAD Kursziel auf Sicht von: 31/12/2022 Letzte Ratingänderung: Analyst: Julien Desrosiers; Felix Haugg Record quarter production 6,970 boe/d Record quarter Free Cash Flow $9.5M CAD Record production. The company has produced 6,970 boe/d during Q3-2021. This represents an increase of 270% over their Q2 results and 1297% over Q3 2020. Record Free Cash Flow. The company Q3 EBITDA resulted in $17.2M CAD. The company posted a $9.5M CAD positive free cash flow, after capital expenditures, compared to $0.3M CAD in Q3 2020. Balance sheet discipline. Its lean structure and conservative capital expenditure of $4.5M CAD allows the company to exit Q3 2021 with over $14M CAD cash on hand. Mature assets. The maturity of the Oxbow asset and low decline rate of 12% gives Saturn Oil & Gas flexibility for future development. There are currently 370 drilling location with certified reserves. Additionally, there is the opportunity for low capex and rapid increase in oil production as brought about by 400 reactivations of non-producing wells. Hard counter to oil price volatility. The strong hedge against WTI spot price secures debt repayment at the cost of capping a potential increase in revenues. However, it creates revenue stability, easier long-term projections and secures internal funding of growth projects. Future profitability. Saturn Oil & Gas has incurred $66.8M CAD in 2021 in unrealized non-cash losses on future oil hedging positions. Therefore, in future periods Saturn Oil & Gas is expected to report higher earnings based on increased future production levels (88% of the $66.8M CAD is for 2022- to-2025 derivative contracts) Market and financier support. The company has completed a share consolidation. With 25.1M shares out and the support of their financier, the company could be looking for more unique acquisition opportunities. Asset fully integrated. The Q3 results indicate to the markets that the integration of the asset is now complete. Brighter future. The company is poised and ready for their next development stage. Acquisition or organic growth. The oil price will most definitely guide the next phase for Saturn Oil & Gas. Based on our DCF model we have raised our price target to 12.17 CAD per share and maintain our BUY rating. Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: Kontakt für Rückfragen GBC AG Halderstraße 27 86150 Augsburg 0821 / 241133 0 +++++++++++++++ Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR. Beim oben analysierten Unternehmen ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: (5a,6a,7,11); Einen Katalog möglicher Interessenkonflikte finden Sie unter: +++++++++++++++ Date and time of completion of this research: 20/12/2021 6:30 pm Date and time of first distribution: 21/12/2021 10:00 am Target price valid until: max. 31/12/2022 -------------------übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.------------------- Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung bzw. Research ist alleine der Herausgeber bzw. Ersteller der Studie verantwortlich. Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte.

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Original-Research: Cogia AG - von GBC AG Einstufung von GBC AG zu Cogia AG Unternehmen: Cogia AG ISIN: DE000A3H2226 Anlass der Studie: Research Report (Initial Coverage) Empfehlung: BUY Kursziel: 3.72 EUR Kursziel auf Sicht von: 31.12.2022 Letzte Ratingänderung: - Analyst: Matthias Greiffenberger; Felix Haugg Dynamic growth with patented semantic solutions in the area of 'Big Data Analytics' Cogia AG is a full-service provider of AI-based, patented, semantic solutions and services in the field of 'Big Data Analytics', with a focus on customer experience, monitoring and engagement. Cogia's goal is to support its customers, whether companies, associations, or public authorities, in the optimal use of available information by making it accessible in terms of content and preparing it in a structured manner using automated processes - in two respects. On the one hand, it is a matter of discovering hidden company- or organization-specific knowledge within the internal data and the customer's intranet. On the other hand, Cogia AG enables companies to monitor their target groups via the Internet, build lasting customer relationships and create added value for their brands. The products of Cogia AG are based on a self-developed and innovative AIbased software solution. The AI software solutions clearly set the company's products apart from the competition. This reflects the company's more than 10 years of research and development work in this area, as well as their continuous further development of software solutions. Through its extensive product portfolio, Cogia AG provides its customers a close integration of technical and editorial services, so that customers can be optimally and holistically supported in every phase of a project. The innovative product solutions of Cogia AG have already demonstrated their market maturity in practical tests in numerous projects with renowned customers. Thus, the automotive groups Volkswagen and BMW are already among their customers, as well as the Fraunhofer Institute or the Free State of Bavaria. In addition to their further development of software solutions, their focus is on a further roll-out at Cogia AG. As of the financial year 2020, sales amounted to EUR 0.42m (previous year: EUR 0.33m) with an EBITDA of EUR 0.13m (previous year: EUR 0.16m) and a net result of EUR -0.32m (previous year: EUR 0.11m). Sales revenues are still at a low level, but there are already good customer relationships with major customers such as BMW, Lufthansa, and VW with whom the company can grow. As of the first half of 2021, revenue was EUR 0.34m, EBITDA was EUR 0.09m, and the net result was EUR -0.39m. Annualized, the primary goal of revenue growth was thus achieved. In addition, a partnership was concluded with VIMATO, a micro-influencer platform. We expect dynamic growth for Cogia AG. The business model of recurring revenues and the already good contacts to major customers should enable significant revenue increases. We forecast revenue growth in the current fiscal year 2021 to EUR 1.05m, followed by EUR 1.93m in 2022 and EUR 3.55m in 2023. The scalable business model should allow significant earnings improvements. We expect EBITDA to increase from EUR 0.07m (2021) to EUR 0.17m (2022) and EUR 0.89m (2023). Our forecasts do not yet include inorganic revenues. Cogia also plans to grow via debt capital. The funds are to be raised on a deal-by-deal basis. Management already has an extensive pipeline of potential targets of around EUR 50m. Based on our DCF model, we have determined a fair value per share of EUR 3.72 and assign a Buy rating. Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: Kontakt für Rückfragen GBC AG Halderstraße 27 86150 Augsburg 0821 / 241133 0 ++++++++++++++++ Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR Beim oben analysierten Unternehmen ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: (5a,11); Einen Katalog möglicher Interessenkonflikte finden Sie unter: +++++++++++++++ Date and time of completion of the study: 15.12.2021 (15:40) German version: 13.12.2021 (17:44) Date and time of the first disclosure of the study: 21.12.2021 (10:00) German version: 14.12.2021 (10:00) Validity of the target price: until max. 31.12.2022 -------------------übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.------------------- Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung bzw. Research ist alleine der Herausgeber bzw. Ersteller der Studie verantwortlich. Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte.

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GBC AG: Aspermont Limited: BUY

Original-Research: Aspermont Limited - von GBC AG Einstufung von GBC AG zu Aspermont Limited Unternehmen: Aspermont Limited ISIN: AU000000ASP3 Anlass der Studie: Research Update Empfehlung: BUY Kursziel: 0.09 AUD Kursziel auf Sicht von: 31/12/2022 Letzte Ratingänderung: Analyst: Julien Desrosiers; Felix Haugg Preliminary FY2021 shows positive Net Profit After Tax FY2021 preliminary report shows continued growth As per their preliminary numbers, the company has delivered on all their guidance: - Overall growth - Subscriptions growth rate to go back to pre-Covid-19 levels - Growth in audience - High growth in new products - Continued growth in margins and profitability The company has now cumulated 21 consecutive growth Quarters and generated positive return for shareholders for the past 5 years, even more when compared to the ASX and their peers in the media sector. We will publish full FY2021 report and update the share price target with the release by the company of their final FY 2021. Rating: BUY Target price: 0.09 AUD Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: Kontakt für Rückfragen GBC AG Halderstraße 27 86150 Augsburg 0821 / 241133 0 +++++++++++++++ Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR. Beim oben analysierten Unternehmen ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: (5a,11); Einen Katalog möglicher Interessenkonflikte finden Sie unter: +++++++++++++++ Date and time of completion of this research: 09/12/2021 (11.48 am) Date and time of first distribution: 13/12/2021 (09.00 am) -------------------übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.------------------- Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung bzw. Research ist alleine der Herausgeber bzw. Ersteller der Studie verantwortlich. Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte.

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GBC AG: HAEMATO AG: Management Interview

Original-Research: HAEMATO AG - von GBC AG Einstufung von GBC AG zu HAEMATO AG Unternehmen: HAEMATO AG ISIN: DE000A289VV1 Anlass der Studie: Management Interview Empfehlung: Management Interview Letzte Ratingänderung: Analyst: Cosmin Filker In operational terms, HAEMATO AG is heading for a record year following the acquisition of M1 Aesthetics GmbH. In addition, the expansion of their private label business is increasingly coming into focus. In this regard, the company plans to expand its portfolio with a botulinum toxin product under its own brand. GBC analyst Cosmin Filker spoke with Patrick Brenske about the latest development of HAEMATO AG. GBC AG: You have concluded an exclusive supply and licence agreement with the South Korean Huons BioPharma for the supply of botulinum toxin products. What is the background and what are the potentials of this agreement? Patrick Brenske: One of HAEMATO AG's business areas is Lifestyle & Aesthetics, where we offer both cosmetic products under our own brand M1 SELECT, as well as supplying clinics and pharmacies with botulinum toxin products from third-party manufacturers. As we want to further expand the higher-margin private label segment, we will in future offer a botulinum toxin product under our own brand in addition to our existing portfolio. The potentials are huge. The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has reported that botulinum toxin treatment is the most performed non-invasive beauty treatment worldwide and that treatments have increased by more than 35% since 2015. This trend is expected to continue in the future due to the increased acceptance of beauty treatments. GBC AG: The products have to go through a European approval procedure. How long are the clinical trials expected to take and what costs can be expected here? Patrick Brenske: From today's perspective, we expect to receive European approval in about three to four years. The scope and, therefore, also the costs of the clinical trials cannot be reliably quantified at the moment, as we first have to wait for the Scientific Advice with the regulatory authority, in which we will discuss our plans for the clinical trials to obtain approval. We expect to be able to publish more detailed information on this by the middle of next year. GBC AG: With the parent company M1 Kliniken AG, HAEMATO AG has a customer for botulinum toxin products. Are you planning to distribute the products beyond that? Patrick Brenske: We are in the comfortable position that our parent company is one of the leading providers of beauty treatments in Europe. Our botulinum toxin product ensures that M1 Kliniken AG will be supplied with an attractively priced product range for a long time to come. This is, of course, economically attractive for both companies. However, we do not want to limit ourselves to this relationship. We do not have to hide with our botulinum toxin product because it enables us to compete with the leading suppliers on both the price and quality levels. Thus, we will offer the product in all relevant markets in Europe. GBC AG: The increase in profit margins is the focus of the operative development of HAEMATO AG. What should contribute to this, in addition to the expansion of the proprietary business? Patrick Brenske: In addition to the expansion of the private label business, we have started a transformation process this year and reorganized HAEMATO AG. This has enabled us to cut personnel costs and make the company more agile. The sales-relevant departments are now able to react faster and more effectively to market changes in the retail business, also due to the automation of many processes. We are also intensifying our business with cannabis products. Here, of course, we are closely monitoring the political developments in Germany with regard to legalisation. We already supply pharmacies with cannabis that is prescribed for medical purposes. In the event of a possible legalisation, we are immediately in a position to expand this higher-margin business area and to enter the market with our own cannabis umbrella brand here as well. GBC AG: At the beginning of the year, you reacted quickly to an existing high demand with the corona tests. Should such opportunities continue to be seized? Patrick Brenske: Definitely. The strength of HAEMATO AG is its ability to react quickly to trends in the healthcare market, regardless of whether they occur in the short term and in spurts, as is currently the case again with the corona tests, or whether they concern a long-term development, as can be observed, for example, with drugs for chronic diseases. HAEMATO AG will continue to take advantage of short-term opportunities as long as they fit into the business concept and help the patient. This is the only reason why we were well prepared at the beginning of the current, fourth corona wave and able to supply our existing customers, such as pharmacies and clinics, but also state institutions with sufficient corona tests and as well as FFP2 masks. In addition, we have also added a state-of-the-art mobile PCR workstation to our portfolio at short notice. This allows pharmacists and physicians to perform a PCR test without an external laboratory. Of course, the device is not limited to the analysis of the corona virus, but is also capable of detecting other viruses. GBC AG: The core business of HAEMATO AG is the so-called Specialty Pharma. How is the development in this area? Patrick Brenske: Specialty Pharma in the area of high-priced drugs remains an important pillar of HAEMATO AG. Here, we benefit, first of all, from our expertise in the area of parallel imports of drugs. However, trading in originals and biosimilars, which we can procure from manufacturers at favourable prices, is also becoming increasingly important. Our specialised product portfolio enables us to offer our more than 7,000 customers a customised product mix. The key is direct sales to our customers, especially pharmacies, which we also support with our field sales force on site, because access to the customer is the gatekeeper to the further successful expansion of this business. GBC AG: The nine-month figures show that HAEMATO AG is on a record course. How would you classify this development? Patrick Brenske: The aforementioned transformation of HAEMATO AG and the quick reaction to current situations have made this possible. This year, we have made trend-setting decisions which have achieved short-term success, here I am thinking in particular of the supply of corona tests, but which also ensure long-term success, such as the planned approval and distribution of the botulinum toxin product under our own brand throughout Europe. I expect the positive development to continue next year, as we have set the right course. Other projects, on which we will soon be able to report more, such as our own hyaluronic acid filler to complement our botulinum toxin product, are in development. This year has shown that we have the right strategic sense and are well positioned for the future. GBC AG: Mr. Brenske, thank you for the interview. Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: Kontakt für Rückfragen GBC AG Halderstraße 27 86150 Augsburg 0821 / 241133 0 ++++++++++++++++ Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR Beim oben analysierten Unternehmen ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: (4,5a,5b,6a,7,11); Einen Katalog möglicher Interessenkonflikte finden Sie unter: +++++++++++++++ Date (Time) Completion (german version): 06.12.2021 (09:18 am) Date (time) first transmission (german version): 06.12.2021 (10:30 am) Date (Time) Completion (english version): 10.12.2021 (11:31 am) Date (time) first transmission (english version): 10.12.2021 (12:30 pm) -------------------übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.------------------- Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung bzw. Research ist alleine der Herausgeber bzw. Ersteller der Studie verantwortlich. Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte.

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GBC AG: EasyMotionSkin Tec AG: Buy

Original-Research: EasyMotionSkin Tec AG - von GBC AG Einstufung von GBC AG zu EasyMotionSkin Tec AG Unternehmen: EasyMotionSkin Tec AG ISIN: LI1147158318 Anlass der Studie: Research Comment Empfehlung: Buy Kursziel: 21.00 CHF / 19.28 EUR Kursziel auf Sicht von: 31.12.2022 Letzte Ratingänderung: Analyst: Matthias Greiffenberger, Marcel Schaffer Successful listing of EasyMotionSkin Tec AG on the m:access of the Munich Stock Exchange On 09.12.2021 EasyMotionSkin Tec AG was successfully listed on the m:access of the Munich Stock Exchange. The initial share price is 14.50 EUR. According to the management, no extensive capital market transactions are planned in the near future. The EasyMotionSkin Group consists of EasyMotionSkin Tec AG (EMS Tec AG) and its wholly owned subsidiaries EasyMotionSkin Tec GmbH (EMS Tec GmbH) and EMS GmbH. The Group primarily produces and distributes EMS training systems consisting of a suit, a PowerBox and an app solution. EMS stands for electro-muscle stimulation, which involves controlling and stimulating the muscles by means of electrical impulses. With an EMS system, good results can be achieved in the area of fitness and general health with comparatively little training effort. There are already competitors in the market with EMS studio chains or their own systems, but the EMS Group has a patented solution that should be a clear competitive advantage: The dry electrode and wireless training. With other EMS systems, the electrodes must be moistened prior to the workout in order to make contact with the body. The EasyMotionSkin product can be used without prior moistening. This is on the one hand more hygienic and, on the other hand, more comfortable for the user. The suit is a high-tech knitted product that withstands high stresses and requires a knitting time of over six hours per suit in production. In addition, an innovative woven-in and flexible cable harness has been woven in to avoid the use of external cables. According to the management, over 5,000 EMS systems have already been sold in the last three years and the product has been steadily improved. Now the company is to move into the growth phase and an extensive distribution network is to be established in the DACH region. The parent company EasyMotionSkin Tec AG was previously also used as an investment vehicle by the owner (Christian Jäger, 97.7%) and thus business areas outside the EasyMotionSkin Group were included in the company. This legacy business was spun off at the beginning of 2021. Therefore, comparability of the history with the forecast is only possible to a limited extent. No consolidated group balance sheet has been prepared to date either. The most informative period is the first half of 2021 with the pure EasyMotionSkin business, here EMS Tec AG generated revenues of CHF 1.36 million, EMS Tec GmbH EUR 3.00 million and EMS GmbH EUR 0.80 million. It is also important to note the supply chain in which EMS GmbH has the products manufactured, resells them to EMS Tec AG and the latter in turn resells them to EMS Tec GmbH. Respectively, net income of CHF 0.16 million (EMS Tec AG), EUR 0.24 million (EMS Tec GmbH) and EUR -0.07 million (EMS GmbH) was generated. For the forecast we rely on a consolidated view and expect very dynamic sales development. We based our sales forecast on the dynamic development of the current market leader Body Street, which has reached 29,000 members within four years. Our forecast is somewhat more conservative. The current fiscal year 2021 is still impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, so while demand has increased, there have been supply shortages. As a result, we expect revenues of CHF 4.25 million in 2021, followed by CHF 14.20 million in 2022 and CHF 28.21 million in 2023, respectively. Strong growth is expected to be achieved through broad network distribution, an optimized online presence and studio partnerships. The company is also focusing on a modern app solution that will enable users to compete with others as well as be part of a community. In particular, the margin is to be increased via economies of scale in purchasing and we forecast a net result of CHF -1.17 million in 2021, CHF 1.02 million in 2022 and CHF 2.88 million in 2023. Based on our DCF model, we have determined a fair value per share of CHF 21.00 (EUR 19.28) and assign a BUY rating. The link to the GBC IPO Study can be found here: -tec-ag/ Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: Kontakt für Rückfragen GBC AG Halderstraße 27 86150 Augsburg 0821 / 241133 0 ++++++++++++++++ Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR Beim oben analysierten Unternehmen ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: (5a,6a,11); Einen Katalog möglicher Interessenkonflikte finden Sie unter: +++++++++++++++ Date (time) of completion: 09.12.2021 (10:45 am) Date (time) of first distribution: 09.12.2021 (3:00 pm) -------------------übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.------------------- Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung bzw. Research ist alleine der Herausgeber bzw. Ersteller der Studie verantwortlich. Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte.

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GBC AG: Defence Therapeutics Inc.: Management Interview

Original-Research: Defence Therapeutics Inc. - von GBC AG Einstufung von GBC AG zu Defence Therapeutics Inc. Unternehmen: Defence Therapeutics Inc. ISIN: CA24463V1013 Anlass der Studie: Management Interview Empfehlung: Management Interview Letzte Ratingänderung: Analyst: Julien Desrosiers 'We can work on any disease and adapt to any emergent pandemic such as the one related to SARS-CoV2' In its current letter to shareholders, Defence Therapeutics reports the successful completion of its protein-based COVID vaccine (AccuVAC-PT001) toxicology studies in non-rodent rabbit model. The AccuVAC-PT001 vaccine is an injectable vaccine capable of inducing a powerful and sustainable antibody response in both rodent and non-rodent models. The vaccine proprietary recipe consists of chemically modifying the COVID Spike protein with the AccumTM moiety. Defence Therapeutics is currently working on two different protein-based vaccine candidates. In Parallel, the company continues the development of their ACCUMTM based cancer treatment R&D. GBC analyst Julien Desrosiers spoke with Defence Therapeutics CEO Sébastien Plouffe: GBC AG: For investors that have never heard about Defence Therapeutics, can you explain what is at the center of your company? Sébastien Plouffe: The highlight of Defence is that it has a proprietary technology platform with very wide versatility application. For instance, our AccumTM molecule can be linked to any protein, RNA or DNA molecules and thus, can be used to target any type of cancer or infectious diseases. Although the company's main approach was to focus on ADCs, we quickly applied the AccumTM technology to fight a common and recent pandemic. In other words, we can work on any disease and adapt to any emergent pandemic such as the one related to SARS-CoV2. GBC AG: How did your company become involved in the ACCUMTM story and secured the rights? Sébastien Plouffe: I was looking to acquire a strong technology in the Biotech sector and in 2016, I was introduced to the AccumTm technology. We were immediately impressed by its huge versatility and potential that we have decided to option it. Defence completed the acquisition in May 2020 and since we are actively working to test and develop all kinds of applications and studies against cancer and infectious diseases. GBC AG: With the ACCUMTM technology, you are currently focusing on two main development models: ACCUMTM Technology and ACCUMTM Vaccine. Can you describe in which development stage are the two pathways and in what way they differ? Sébastien Plouffe: The AccumTM technology is based on the fact that a given molecule can be modified with a small moiety (called the AccumTM) to enhance its accumulation in target cells. For example, we can attach the AccumTM on an ADC to enhance its accumulation in target cell or attach it to an antigen and deliver it very efficiently to an antigen presenting cell (example dendritic cells) to prime an immune response. GBC AG: ADC (anti body drug conjugate) are usually tailored made to act on one specific target. They are developed with the triptych concept of Protein, Linker and Payload. These three must play their role in perfect harmony to impact the desired target. How can ACCUMTM circumvent this issue? Sébastien Plouffe: In fact, AccumTM does not interfere with the function of any of these components. On the contrary, it works in concert with them by enhancing the function of that given ADC. In other words, AccumTM does not block or mitigate the linker, payload activity or antibody specificity. It just makes sure that the entire package escapes the endosome and makes it to the intracellular target. GBC AG: Can you specifically discuss the latest success you have achieved with ACCUMTM? Sébastien Plouffe: We are developing a large pipeline of products. The AccumTM is being used to develop: i) a DC vaccine targeting 4 different indications (melanoma, breast cancer, lymphoma and colon cancer), ii) an ADC against breast cancer, iii) the use of the 'naked' AccumTM molecule as an anti-cancer molecule against breast cancer, iv) two different COVID vaccines including one intranasal, and v) two vaccines targeting HPV and cervical cancer. GBC AG: ADC's FDA approval failure have two main causes: Toxicity and complexity of the ADCs manufacturing challenges. What can we expect from ACCUMTM regarding these two main issues? Sébastien Plouffe: The AccumTM will be applied to an ADC that is already available on the market. We have evidence (using Trastuzumab for example) that AccumTM does not increase the toxicity of the ADC. On the contrary! By improving its potency, the potency of the ADCs can be enhanced by lowering the dosing or shortening the regimen as it would need less of the ADC to achieve strong outcomes. As such, the toxicity of the product would be further improved. GBC AG: ADC are very difficult to manufacture and need exclusive equipment, labs and require a very complex supply chain. As you are currently in the process of selecting a manufacturing partner, and how has the COVID crisis changed your expectations and requirements in terms of manufacturing processes as well as securing the supply chain. Sébastien Plouffe: In fact, we are working on two different models. In the first model, we wish to develop the ADC program in partnership with a large pharma as AccumTM can be used to enhance ANY ADC. In parallel, we are working on developing our own ADC with self-cleavable linkers and AccumTM moieties as a cleavable payload on their own. We are aware that the pandemic is delaying all steps of development, but we are actively working to bypass each of these obstacles by planning our objectives and key steps in advance. GBC AG: What team of scientists are driving the two pathways and where is the research conducted? Sébastien Plouffe: We have an established collaboration with the laboratory of Dr. Moutih Rafei, our VP - Research and Development (Université de Montréal) who is an immunologist by training and has extensive experience in the fields of cell therapy, immune-oncology and infectious diseases. In addition, our co-inventor of the technology, Dr. Simon Beaudoin, a biochemist by training with a strong expertise in immuno-conjugation and optimization of ADCs, is actively working on the continued development of the AccumTM technology at our laboratories located in Montreal (CQIB) and at Sherbrooke. We are currently expanding our scientific team. GBC AG: As you described ACCUMTM to be scalable and versatile, how will you select which type of decease you will focus on? Sébastien Plouffe: We have already established our target indications. We will be working towards a treatment for melanoma, breast cancer, COVID and HPV. These indications were selected strategically using three different criteria: i) the widespread of the indication/cancer, ii) absence of a potent treatment/cure, and iii) the possibility of using our products in combination with commercially-available immune-checkpoint blockers. GBC AG: Can you explain us how your latest press release is a game changer for Defence Therapeutics and how well you are financed at the moment? Sébastien Plouffe: The versatility of the AccumTM technology is a game changer by itself as it allows us to develop a wide range of products targeting different indications. Defence's strategy is to initiate a minimum of 2 Phase I trials in 2022 and to co-develop some products in partnership with large pharmas. We are currently well financed, and we may come to the market in Q1 of 2022 to increase our liquidity to achieve more goals before our venue to the NASDAQ planned for Q2 of 2022. GBC: Mr. Plouffe, thank you for the interview. Note: GBC initiates Coverage with this management interview and is working on the initial coverage report. Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: Kontakt für Rückfragen GBC AG Halderstraße 27 86150 Augsburg 0821 / 241133 0 ++++++++++++++++ Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR Beim oben analysierten Unternehmen ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: (5a,5b,7,11); Einen Katalog möglicher Interessenkonflikte finden Sie unter: +++++++++++++++ Date (time) of completion: 06/12/2021 (8:00 am) Date (time) of first distribution: 06/12/2021 (10:00 am) -------------------übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.------------------- Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung bzw. Research ist alleine der Herausgeber bzw. Ersteller der Studie verantwortlich. Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte.

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Original-Research: IGEA Pharma N.V. - von GBC AG Einstufung von GBC AG zu IGEA Pharma N.V. Unternehmen: IGEA Pharma N.V. ISIN: NL0012768675 Anlass der Studie: Research Report (Initial Coverage) Empfehlung: BUY Kursziel: 1.05 EUR Kursziel auf Sicht von: 31.12.2022 Letzte Ratingänderung: - Analyst: Matthias Greiffenberger, Felix Haugg Reverse IPO of Blue Sky Natural Resources in IGEA Pharma. Realignment to CBD extraction. Aggressive growth expected with strong scaling effects. Blue Sky Natural Resources Ltd. (Blue Sky) was contributed to IGEA Pharma N.V. (IGEA Pharma) on 27 September 2021 via a capital increase in kind. The business model is now to change fundamentally. The wellness and prevention sector is to be addressed with a focus on CBD. The goal is to become the quality and cost leader in the field of CBD in Europe. To this end, a GMP pharma compliant plant is being built in Switzerland. The supercritical CO2 extraction process is to be used to achieve the highest standard of quality. A proprietary system has been developed for this purpose. Due to its very high quality, the product should be able to be sold at significantly higher prices compared to CBD obtained by using solvent-based methods. The marketing of CBD is to take place exclusively b2b in the wholesale trade. According to the management, the sales price can amount to about CHF 8,500 / kg. Based on this assumption, we forecast substantial sales and earnings developments. According to the pro forma financial statements, no significant sales were generated in the past 2020 financial year, with a net result of EUR -2.23 million. According to the pro forma financial statements, the contribution created equity in the amount of EUR 9.06 million, which is largely offset by goodwill. Blue Sky already has extensive quantities of raw material in stock. In total, there are 64,700 kg of frozen and 9,600 kg of dried hemp in stock. The hemp corresponds to the best organic quality (GMT). This is sufficient raw material for production in 2022. In 2021, samples will initially be produced in smaller machines and no significant sales revenues are expected yet. The extensive production or CBD extraction is scheduled to start in 2022. Initially, this will be set up with one production line and one shift, and then expanded to a two-shift system. The production lines are then to be expanded to two in 2023, followed by three in 2024 and four in 2025. Bottling facilities will also be added to the production. With raw materials already in stock, production should be able to start promptly and we expect revenues of EUR 51.05 m in 2022, followed by EUR 170.15 m in 2023. The business model is well scalable and we expect a gradual margin increase and earnings improvements. We already forecast EBITDA of EUR 23.12m in 2022 and EUR 88.23m in 2023, representing an EBITDA margin improvement from 45.3% (2022) to 51.9% (2023). Business operations are mainly conducted in the joint venture, in which IGEA indirectly holds a 50% interest. Minority interests are correspondingly high. In our opinion, 50% of the pre-tax result should flow to the joint venture partner. We therefore expect outflows for minorities of EUR -10,01 million in 2022 and EUR -42,12 million in 2023. It should be possible to use most of the loss carryforwards in IGEA Pharma to reduce the tax burden and we expect a tax rate of 10% in 2022 and 15% in 2023, resulting in net income of EUR 8.01m (2022) and EUR 28.45m (2023). The CBD market is growing strongly and with the focus on quality leadership and pure extraction, IGEA Pharma's new business model should be able to occupy an attractive niche market. With the proprietary supercritical CO2- extraction technology, other markets such as vanilla, rose or rosemary can be developed in the medium term. Based on our DCF model, we have determined a fair value of EUR 1.05 (CHF 1.13) per share and assign a BUY rating. Die vollständige Analyse können Sie hier downloaden: Kontakt für Rückfragen GBC AG Halderstrasse 27 86150 Augsburg 0821 / 241133 0 ++++++++++++++++ Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG und Art. 20 MAR Beim oben analysierten Unternehmen ist folgender möglicher Interessenkonflikt gegeben: (5a,6a,11); Einen Katalog möglicher Interessenkonflikte finden Sie unter: +++++++++++++++ Date and time of completion of the study: 19.11.2021 (11:00) Date and time of the first disclosure of the study: 22.11.2021 (10:00) -------------------übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.------------------- Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung bzw. Research ist alleine der Herausgeber bzw. Ersteller der Studie verantwortlich. Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte.

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