AAA, Lindy , TRS, Community Ratings

Evaluation matrix

This overview is one of the core elements of Due Diligence Hub, as a wide variety of valuation methods are used here. In order to maintain independence and neither favour nor disadvantage companies, we rely on diversity instead of one-sided approaches.
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DDH Score
Based on a multitude of objective and subjective criteria, DDH determines an indicator that assigns a rating parameter to the industry representatives. The range goes from AAA+++ to CCC, whereby a triple A ranking would be equivalent to a Magna Cum Laude. In contrast to conventional comparison and rating portals, which are usually not entirely free of conflicts of interest, DDH chooses a different path and focuses on 'hard facts'. Aspects such as compliance and corporate governance are just as much in focus as ratings from users of the services. Negative reports, warning notices from the supervisory authorities, information on dishonest advertising campaigns, outdated information, accessibility of the online presences, quality of the general terms and conditions and much more lead to a company being ranked rather in the upper range or in the lower range.
Because customer feedback is one of the most valuable weighting features, special attention is paid to it.
One of the most exciting evaluation criteria is oriented towards the famous option trader, book author and philosopher Nassim Nicolas Taleb. In his book - Skin in the Game - he refers to an indicator that determines the resilience of a process in an empirical way. DDH has taken its cue from this resilience criterion and developed its own system to determine a DDH Lindy Score scoring value.
Wisdom of the Crowd / Collective Intelligence - Social Impact

In determining the WOC score, DDH borrows from the bestselling author James Surowiecki and his work "Wisdom of the crowd", in which the author explains that groups are smarter than individuals.

What sounds simple in theory often runs into problems in practice. One example is bought reviews on online marketplaces in order to increase one's own reputation or even to mask facts. For DDH it was therefore obvious to develop its own rating system.

With the launch of the portal, all companies are weighted equally in order to create equal opportunities. The initial value was set at 500. Each rating - depending on the choice - reduces or increases the value. Anonymous votes have a lower value than those of registered users.

Submitted ratings go through a quality assurance process that is automated. In the event of anomalies, manually initiated checking routines ensure that there is no overreaching.

It is obvious that a large number of votes cast provides a more reliable and sustainable result than a handful. False positives are easier to identify and fat tails are less frequent.
3RDP Score
The 3RDP score also includes external information, which is reviewed on a regular basis and data is updated when changes occur. 3RDP is included in the DDH scoring as one parameter. The weighting of external sources is lower, especially when it comes to rating portals that pursue a commercial business purpose.

Since it cannot be assumed in principle that the submission of ratings was incentivised by third parties, we are of the opinion that inclusion makes sense.
TRS Score
The TRS Score is based on an indicator developed by DDH, which relates company formation and authorisation to start business (granting of licences). The result is presented in a ranking list.
Valuation methods/ scoring algorithms
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DDH Score
Sint eu minim qui enim ea irure enim nulla. Elit nisi nulla est in sint consectetur. Occaecat mollit magna eu ut fugiat pariatur aute mollit et.
Lindy Score
Sint eu minim qui enim ea irure enim nulla. Elit nisi nulla est in sint consectetur. Occaecat mollit magna eu ut fugiat pariatur aute mollit et.
WOC Score
Sint eu minim qui enim ea irure enim nulla. Elit nisi nulla est in sint consectetur. Occaecat mollit magna eu ut fugiat pariatur aute mollit et.
3RDP Score
Sint eu minim qui enim ea irure enim nulla. Elit nisi nulla est in sint consectetur. Occaecat mollit magna eu ut fugiat pariatur aute mollit et.
TRS Score
A low value means that relatively little time has passed between the establishment of the company and the authorisation to commence business activities of a financial services provider approved by the respective supervisory authority. It is important to note that the authorisation process can often take more than a year, depending on the number of licences applied for.