

With this tool, developed by DDH itself, you can quickly and conveniently determine amounts from a specific source currency (e.g. Euro) into a target currency (e.g. US Dollar).
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I want to exchange Euro against US Dollar

The source of exchange rates is the official fixing of the European Central Bank ("ECB")



Exchange Rate


Official ECB FX rate on 14.02.2025


With the transaction you have in mind you spend an amount of 1 EUR and receive an amount of 1,0478 USD. Basis of that calculation was the official fixing price of the ECB 1,0478 USD on 14.02.2025.

You certainly know the situation. You are at a holiday destination and need an amount in local currency. You use an ATM and wonder what exchange rate the transaction was based on?

Here you can simulate how high the discount was compared to the official reference rate, i.e. how high the actual charge was for you. You specify the target and source currency via the main form above.

Would you like to actively trade FX products yourself or hedge currency fluctuations? Here we introduce you to some selected providers.
Do you need a Coach or a Mentor? Then we recommend to have a look at our Coach & Mentoring Overview

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Currency converter

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