Due Diligence Hub ("DDH") is one of the most important sources of information for private investors, professional investors, start-ups, family offices, asset managers as well as people who prepare competitive analyses or industry screenings for research reasons and therefore depend on reliable information about solution providers active in the market. Transparency is our top priority.
In terms of content, DDH deals specifically with an area of the financial services sector that has grown dynamically over the past 20 years: the industry of CFD and FX providers. Specifically, those financial service providers who offer both private investors (B2C) and institutional clients (B2B) solutions for real-time trading of contracts for difference (CFD), foreign exchange (Forex, FX for short), social trading and/or margin trading or who address a clientele with an affinity for the stock market with combined service portfolios ("multi-asset", "neobrokerage").
Good to know: Journalists, law firms and venture capital companies regularly use DDH as an entry point for their own research. Press departments, publishing houses, headhunters, marketing companies and event managers find many opportunities on DDH to present their concerns directly to the target group. It is also interesting that market research institutes and universities include our background information in their studies.
Financial service providers who are active in the industry or are in the process of improving their market position are offered a wide range of opportunities for competitive analysis. A simple principle: Only those who know the strengths and weaknesses of their peer group can identify competitive advantages and strategically and specifically align their business model to them. DDH can be used to optimise one's public relations work and thus represents a separate, target group-specific communication channel.
Conceptually, in addition to classic
primary target groups, DHH primarily aims at industry representatives who attach great importance to transparent and customer-oriented external presentation and consumer protection. As an information hotspot, DDH also sees itself as a marketplace that sets high quantitative and qualitative information content, depth and consistency standards. Those who feel committed to these values and share this philosophy can contribute to providing the best possible information to users by taking appropriate measures.
DDH is guided by the requirements of MIFID2 and the European and national supervisory authorities applicable to the industry. There are also parallels in many aspects to the digitalisation offensive of the federal government and the law on implementing the Digitalisation Directive (DiRUG, (EU) 2019/1151).